Guy kept his face expressionless as he tried to squash his growing irritation at the casual way Mr. Huxley spoke about the ill-treatment of a child.

The banker continued. “I do hope you don’t intend to speak to the children. They are required to be up early in the morning for their tasks, and they do not get paid if they show up late.”

“I cannot say for certain if I will need to speak to the children or not, but I will be mindful of that.”

Reaching for a worn book, Mr. Huxley held it up. “This is the ledger for Linton Colliery last quarter. Mr. Watson thought you might want to review the wages to ensure they were handed out fairly.”

Guy stepped closer to the desk and accepted the book. “That was rather thoughtful of him.”

“I do hope you will avoid causing any delays at the mine,” Mr. Huxley said. “The colliery is on a tight schedule.”

“Have you received any complaints from any of the workers?”


Guy lifted his brow. “I find that rather difficult to believe.”

“It is true,” Mr. Huxley defended. “If anyone comes forward with a complaint, they are dismissed.”

“Ah,” Guy replied. “I’m beginning to understand the situation.”

“I shall have my son escort you out to Linton Colliery tomorrow morning, and with any luck, your investigation will conclude by the end of the day.”

“I doubt that.”

Mr. Huxley rose from his desk. “If you will excuse me, I’m afraid I am late for an appointment,” he said. “May I walk you out?”

“I would appreciate that.”

Mr. Huxley came around his desk and walked over to the door. After they departed from the building, he turned towards Guy and said, “I would recommend you eat at Gosforth’s Pub rather than eat the sludge they sell at the coaching inn.”

“Is it that bad?”

“You have been warned,” Mr. Huxley stated. “If you do, you wouldn’t be the first person who became ill from eating their food.”

“I do appreciate the suggestion.”

Mr. Huxley tipped his head. “Good day, Mr. Stewart.”

Guy watched Mr. Huxley walk down the street as he debated about what his next course of action would be. He needed to discover if a trade union had formed in this town and how they were communicating with the other unions.

As he stood there, he noticed a fair-skinned young woman with dark hair approach him on the street. Her beauty was the first thing he noticed, but it was her deep green eyes that drew him in. They spoke of a keen intellect and sparkled with energy as she assessed him. Her elegant gown and neatly coiffed hair marked her as a genteel woman.

She met his gaze for only a moment, but it was enough for him to memorize nearly every feature of her lovely face. He knew it was not polite to stare, but he found himself unable to look away. He couldn’t. There was a familiarity about this woman that he could not explain.

The young woman turned her attention towards an elderly woman he had only just noticed. What was wrong with him? He had seen beautiful women before and was able to maintain his composure. Besides, he needed to keep his wits about him if he was going to complete his assignment.

He had no time to socialize with a young woman, especially one he had no right to even approach. Despite posing as a gentleman, he was anything but. He could barely sustain the life he had provided for his mother and sister. No, he would be mindful to avoid this beautiful creature.

Coming to this decision, he crossed the street and headed towards the pub. He needed to get back to work, and he couldn’t risk becoming distracted.

Chapter Four

Guy shrugged onhis green jacket and adjusted his cravat. He had spent most of the night at the pub but discovered nothing that would help him with his assignment. He had anticipated that might be the case, since most folks were wary of new people, especially if they had something to lose.

He exited his room and headed down the stairs. The hall was practically empty, but a few men were still drinking ale from tankards at this early hour.

The innkeeper met him at the base of the stairs. “Are ye interested in some breakfast?” he asked. “My wife just made some plum cake.”