“There was a colliery near the town I visited, and we each took it upon ourselves to assist the coal workers.”

“That was nice of you,” his mother commented.

A knock came at the door.

With a curious glance at his mother and sister, Guy asked, “Are you expecting anyone?”

“We are not,” Esther replied.

Guy rose and retrieved his pistol from his waistband as he walked over to the door. “Who is it?”

A familiar voice responded. “Hawthorne.”

Guy opened the door. “Whatever are you doing here at this early hour?”

“Is it early?” Hawthorne questioned. “I have been up for hours.”

“Please come in,” Guy said, opening the door wide.

Hawthorne stepped inside and politely greeted the women, then turned back towards Guy. “I have brought a horse for you to use for your journey today.”

“That was most thoughtful of you,” Guy acknowledged, tucking his pistol back into his waistband.

“I figured I would save you the expense of having to rent a horse to return to Anmore,” Hawthorne said.

“Thank you.”

Esther spoke up. “Are you hungry, my lord?”

“I am not, but I thank you for your hospitality,” Hawthorne responded. “I have come to see if your pigheaded brother has come to his senses.”

“In what way?” Esther asked.

“He is in love with a particular young woman that he left behind.”

Esther’s eyes grew wide. “You fell in love?”

Guy cast an annoyed glance at Hawthorne. “Did you truly need to disclose that information?”

“I did,” Hawthorne said, unabashed. “I see that I correctly assumed you did not tell your family about Miss Locke.”

“There was no need, since she wants nothing to do with me,” Guy stated. “I have no doubt that she hates me.”

“I don’t believe you are giving Miss Locke enough credit,” Hawthorne pressed.

Guy shook his head. “What would you have me do?” he asked. “Race my horse to her manor and beg her to give me another chance?”

Hawthorne rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “That might work.”

“It wouldn’t,” Guy declared. “I would just end up making a fool of myself.”

“That may be true, but it is better than the alternative.”

“Which is?”

“A life without Miss Locke.”

Guy grew solemn at that thought. He truly didn’t want to live another day without Miss Locke, but he had no choice. She would never forgive him for what he had done, and he didn’t blame her.