Miss Locke smiled. “I would appreciate that.” She placed a hand on his proffered arm, and they moved towards the dining room. “I must admit that I have a confession to make,” she murmured.

“Which is?”

Her smile grew sheepish. “I thought Lord Hawthorne worked for you.”

“Is that so?” Guy asked, amused.

“It is,” she replied. “You must promise me that you won’t tell him I said that.”

He chuckled. “I promise, but I assure you that Hawthorne wouldn’t take offense.”

Miss Locke’s eyes trailed towards her cousin. “Phineas seems to be entranced by Lord Hawthorne.”

“That he does.”

They stepped into the dining room, and Guy led Miss Locke to her seat. He pulled out the chair and waited for her to be seated before pushing it in.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

He was fortunate enough to claim the seat next to her. As he reached for his napkin, Phineas spoke up, directing his remarks to Lord Hawthorne.

“I understand that you were married a few months back.”

Hawthorne nodded. “I was.”

Phineas smirked. “I see you were ensnared by the parson’s mousetrap.”

“I assure you that was not the case,” Hawthorne replied. “I adore my wife, and I am looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together.”

Lady Frances gave him an approving look. “Well said, my lord.”

“I have been meaning to take a wife,” Phineas said.

Miss Locke gave him a blank stare. “Since when?”

Phineas frowned. “A wife can be quite beneficial, given the right circumstances,” he stated. “I hope to marry by the end of the Season.”

“You must choose wisely,” Hawthorne advised. “A wife can either bring bliss or a myriad of problems.”

“Perhaps I might join you when you attend Almack’s?” Phineas asked hopefully. “I’m afraid I have yet to receive a voucher.”

“Those can be rather hard to come by,” Hawthorne said. “But I shall ask my wife to speak to one of the patronesses in your favor.”

Phineas leaned to the side as a footman placed a bowl of soup in front of him. “That would mean a great deal to me.”

“You are welcome,” Hawthorne acknowledged.

There was a slight lull in the conversation as everyone began to eat their soup. After a long moment, Lady Frances shifted in her seat to face Hawthorne. “How are you enjoying our little town?”

“Very well,” Hawthorne responded. “From what I have seen, it is a lovely place, and everyone has been quite hospitable.”

“I am pleased to hear that,” Lady Frances said.

“How long are you in town for?” Phineas interjected.

“I am not entirely sure,” Hawthorne replied. “I intend to stay until Mr. Stewart has concluded his report.”

“I must admit I am astonished that Mr. Stewart has not finished his report already,” Phineas said, eyeing him critically. “It makes me question where his intentions lie.”