Page 31 of Always Mine

She’s pregnant.

Zoey and Trish collide in a hug. I push down all the pain in my heart as my brother turns to me. No matter how much I wished for a moment like that, I am beyond happy for him.

I reach out and pull him into a hug. “I’m happy for you, little bro. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, man.”

He steps back and gives me a wicked smile as he wraps an arm around Trish. Zoey loops her elbow through mine.

“What feels truly amazing,” Mikey says, “is that we finally made it happen.” He drags his finger between the two of us, then he and Trish high-five.

Zoey holds up her pointer. “Technically, you didn’t.”

“Oh, yeah, we know you were trying to set us up a couple of weeks ago, but we were already together. It was new but—”

“Wait, seriously?” Trish asks. Then she smirks at Zoey. “Ooooh. You didn’t have a phone call with your editor.” She looks over at me. “And I’m guessing Cece didn’t actually have a business emergency.”

“Not so much,” I say with a little headshake.

Mikey sighs. “So, when did this happen?”

“The day before. We spent the whole day together, Luke came back to my place, and we couldn’t fight it anymore. It’s been crazy, but incredible.”

I drop a kiss on her head. “Yes, it has.”

“Well, damn. I hate that I can’t take credit, but I’m glad it finally happened.”

“The boys don’t know yet, though. We’re telling them on Friday. Hence my conversation with Tad when he was a dick.”

I lean back and look down at Zoey. “He was a dick to you? What did he say?” I growl.

She chuckles. “That you wouldn’t make me happy.”

We share a stupid-in-love smile, but it slowly cracks and we start laughing. There’s so much happiness. But, of course, we’re both thinking of the sexual kind right now.

“I wanna go see my babies for a few minutes before the douchelord arrives.” Her eyes widen and she glances toward the stairs. “Shit, they can’t hear me, can they? I normally save all that stuff up in my head for when I don’t have them.”

Trish laughs and extends her arm to Zoey. “No, they’re well immersed inZelda. Come on.”

The girls head downstairs, and my brother looks at me with a proud smile.

“Gonna be a dad, huh?”

“Yep. Crazy. I can’t wait. Having a family with her is the ultimate dream. Frankly, I’m surprised I beat you to it, but maybe you’ll be next.”

Pain flashes through me. I try to come up with words, but I can’t. I feel like the wind got knocked out of me. Having a family with Zoey is the ultimate dream. And I know in some ways I already do, but—it kills me knowing she’d love to have more kids when I can’t give that to her.

“Hey, you okay?” my brother asks, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I clear my throat and force out the words I never told him.

“I’m not sure that’s in the cards for me. Tara and I tried everything—even IVF—nothing ever worked. They never found anything wrong with her. Which means—”

“Shit. I can’t believe you never told us that. It makes sense. I knew you always wanted that.”

“Feeling like I might not ever have it—”

Mikey waves his hand through the air. “Don’t think like that. It probably didn’t work out for you and Tara because she was such a bitch, and the universe didn’t want you tethered to her for eternity.”