Page 54 of Kissing Plans

Interesting. Maybe Royce could help. “When you buy a house, you put a down payment, a small percentage, about twenty percent, and borrow a loan from the bank.”

His face a mask of dejection, Kasem shook his head. “Even twenty percent is way more than I can afford. Houses cost exorbitant prices.”

“Not if you buy an old house you can refurbish.” Royce shrugged. “They usually have better foundation than new constructions, even if they look decrepit or are old-fashion. Man, you have a whole construction team in your company. They can do it for you at a cheaper price.”

“I’ll be damned. You’re right.” He trebled his fingers on the counter top. “Still, I won’t be able to save up the down payment before several months.”

“Kasem, I can lend you the funds. You can repay me when you have the amount.”

“Are you serious?”

Royce nodded. For Susan, he would do anything.

“I mean it. I have no problem advancing you the funds.”

“Oh man, youarea real friend.”

“Huh… don’t make me blush. Start looking for good opportunities. Your boss is an expert contractor. If I may suggest, take his advice on the matter, and make sure Tracy is serious before buying a ring.” He clapped his house guest on the back. “Good luck. Things are shaping up.”

For Kasem and subsequently for him and Susan.

That night, Royce texted Susan. She’d retired for the night and called him right away from the privacy of her room for a sweet, long chat. He didn’t mention Kasem and his project.

For the next two days, Royce buried himself in his work. Kasem returned late at night, and Susan texted she was up to her ears preparing and correcting mid-term tests.

By Wednesday afternoon, Royce had solved his clients’ crisis and could breathe easier.

He texted Susan.Would you have time to receive a loving visitor around 5 or 6 pm?

She texted right back.Can’t wait to see you.

At five-thirty, he knocked on the door of her office, entered, and locked the door behind him. She flew into his arms.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

He covered her mouth with a blazing kiss, playing with her tongue, squeezing her breast under her black and white sweater.

“How safe is your door?”

She narrowed her eyes, questioning him. “Excuse me?”

“Any chance for someone barging in?”

“I wouldn’t think so. Why?”

“I feel like trying your desk.”

“My desk?” She blinked.

He rubbed his hand on the polished surface. “I feel like trying it, the way we tried the kitchen isle at my parents’ house.”

“No way. Here? In my office?” Her eyes rounded, huge and incredulous.

“Right here.” He grabbed her sides and sat her on the desk. “I fantasized about making love to you in your... Oh so very serious office.”

“You’re crazy.”

“I know. Crazy about you. We both know it.”