Page 40 of Kissing Plans

He glanced at her mischievously. “Apology accepted, but you’ll have to make reparations my way.”

“Anything you say.”


She nodded.

“Be careful what you promise,” he insisted.

“I mean it.”

“Have your pangs of conscience toward your fiancé changed?”

“Yes,” she said firmly, and his heart bounced in his chest at the implication.

“What happened, Susan?”

“Dean Tristan kept bugging me about setting a date for the wedding. I have a feeling he wants me out of the way.”


“I called Kasem and asked about his work. He said he was extremely busy, working long hours, but he really likes his job. I told him that I was spending long hours at work, too, and doing well. Then I reminded him that our first month in America was over. Should we set a wedding date or give ourselves more time, like a couple of months, to focus on our careers?”

Royce glanced at her. “What did he say?”

“He suggested concentrating on our jobs for two more months was a good idea. He wanted to advance in his position and make more money.”


“I told him I didn’t mind. We’ve waited so long. Two more months won’t make much difference to him.” She covered his hand on the wheel. “But it does make a difference to me, Royce.”

He glanced at her. “How’s that?”

“I’ve realized that I’ll never marry him, not now, not in two months, not ever. He can have my inheritance if he wants it. All I care about is being with you.”

“Are you sure?” His pulse raced, and his breath caught in his throat.

“Absolutely positive. I spent the whole week thinking about what I really wanted to do with the rest of my life.”

“You want to work and be successful.”

“That would account for half of my time. The other half I want to spend in your arms.”

He gasped and spun his head toward her.

The car swerved, and she screamed. “Careful!”

“Why are you telling me this when I’m driving and can’t take you into my arms?”

She chuckled. “I promise I’ll repeat it when we stop.”

“Listen. I have my father’s house key in my pocket. The tenants left, and the new ones aren’t moving in until next week. How about stopping there for a drink?”

“Good idea.”

“To be crystal clear,” he specified, “I mean a private drink.”

“Yes, I understand. A private drink in your arms. That’s all I want, Royce.”