Page 12 of Kissing Plans

“Yes.” Revealing the reason for her headache would escalate the pain.

“Coffee and a hot shower will help.” Mae handed her a cup of black coffee. “We need to go shopping. There’s nothing to eat.”

“Yes.” Despite her best effort, she couldn’t speak another word, and preferred to drink her coffee.

“Your brothers called. Apparently, you’ve turned your phone off, so Pravat called me. There’s an SUV waiting for you and Kasem at the Toyota dealer. Danai called an hour later to say that we could lease another car while we’re at the dealer.”

“Good idea.” Coffee had restored her voice. “In case Kasem decides to put his hand on my SUV, I’ll need a car to go to work. I’ll call Pravat and Danai when I feel a bit better.”

“You’re not sick I hope.” Mae frowned and touched her hand to Susan’s forehead. “No you’re okay. I wouldn’t have expected you to be so affected by jetlag.”

“As you said, Mae, a shower will help.”

Susan lingered in the shower, letting the hot water restore her ability to think.

A short while later, she was ready, dressed in black pants and a white shirt, her hair pulled into a bun at the nape, the hairdo she’d adopted when studying.

Mae examined her with a critical eye. “You look better.”

“I feel much better. Are you coming?”

“Oh yes, I don’t plan to be cooped up in the house on my own.”

“Okay, we’ll take a cab to the dealer, get the two cars, and then we’ll split. You’ll discover the neighborhood, and then go shopping, and I’ll spend a few hours at UC and meet with my boss and colleagues.”

In the cab, Susan finally switched on her phone. Several texts from Royce waited for her, all sent last night.

I can’t stop thinking of you and the amazing moment we shared.

A second text followed sometime later and a third after that.

I can’t sleep, and can’t stop thinking of you. Can I call you?

You must have fallen asleep. Sweet dreams. I’ll do everything possible to help you.

Had their kisses affected him, too?

The blood pounding in her temples, she re-read his messages and shuddered inwardly at the thought he might try to kiss her again. Suddenly, she flinched as she remembered their deal. He would report his progress to stop Kasem from marrying her, and she would reward him with a kiss.

No way. She couldn’t allow him to kiss her again. She couldn’t afford to expose herself to temptation. His kisses wiped out years of restraint and made her forget her self-control.

“Anything wrong?” Mae asked, her eyebrows gathering.

“Nothing wrong, Mae.”

She plastered a smile on her face, deleted her messages, and shoved her phone into her handbag.

The visit to the car dealer proceeded efficiently. The salesman asked Susan to sign the sales agreement for the black SUV and the lease for a silver Toyota Camry. “I’ve affixed temporary plates on each car and will send the registration papers to the MVR. You’ll receive the license plates in a week probably. By the way, your brothers already contacted your family insurance company.”

“So I don’t have to do anything now?”

“Just drive away.” The salesman walked them to the two shiny vehicles parked next to each other and gave them the keys.

“I prefer to drive the Camry,” Mae said.

The salesman gave her the keys, explained the GPS function, and watched her program the home address, supermarket, and UC.

“Thank you, James. I think I’ve got it. What’s Royce’s address, Susan?” she added after the man left.