Page 9 of Kissing Plans

“Mae, I’ll be in the backyard talking to Royce. If you need me, call.”

“I don’t need anything, going to bed right away. Thank you for everything, Royce.”

“’Night, Mrs. Chen.” He followed Susan to the backyard they both knew so well.

After taking off her high-heeled shoes, Susan walked across the lawn toward the wooded area. Guessing that the moment of truth had come, Royce respected her silence. She dropped onto the bench abutting the maple trees. The glow of a crescent moon illuminated the garden.

She threw up her hands. “What am I going to do Royce? I hate him.”

Feeling her need for support, he sat next to her and spread his arm behind her back. “Start at the beginning. I’m here to help.”

“You’ve heard Kasem. His brother transferred the prenup andsin sonto him.”

“What’s asin son?”

“The dowry and contract between my father and Ruang. My first trip to the States was to escape and delay a marriage to that brute Ruang. I was so happy when I heard he’d gotten married, had three sons, and several mistresses. You can count on many wealthy Thai men to seek pleasure out of the house when their wives are pregnant, sick, or tired. Now I’m stuck with the young brother, a spoiled lazybones who’s never lifted a finger.”

“Couldn’t you refuse him at the time?”

She snorted. “Out of the question to go against my father’s decision, especially when he was gravely ill. I couldn’t disappoint him or put more stress on the family.”

“Now that your father is gone, maybe you should tell your brothers that you don’t want to marry Kasem.”

She shook her head. “There’s a contract. My brothers would insist I fulfill my part. I wouldn’t be the first Thai woman to marry a man she can’t stand.”

Her sniffle startled Royce. He’d never heard her cry or lose her poise.

“Don’t be desperate yet. Let’s brainstorm. How can we stop this wedding? What if you marry someone else?” He was more than ready to volunteer his services.

“Kasem can accuse me of bigamy. He has a solid contract, valid in Thailand. I would have to officially break the engagement contract. I can assure you, my brothers would be here the next day to drag me back to Bangkok and a miserable life.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks and squeezed his heart.

“Calm down, Susan. There must be a way to get you out of this mess.”

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “The only way is to get Kasem to marry someone else the way his brother did. In that case, my brothers will be fed up with him and his family, and let me marry whomever I want, especially since they’re managing my inheritance and making good money on it.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution,” he said, hoping to appease her.

She spun toward him. “Hey, you’ve been the black sheep in your family for years. Can’t you introduce him to some pretty girls? I’m sure you must know hordes of them.”

His eyes almost bulged. “Seriously? Did you forget that you reformed me? Made me a good guy who steered away from feminine relationships and graduated with honors? Yes, Susan, for five years, we both focused on our goals.”

“I know we’ve been exemplary.” She chuckled in the middle of her tears, and then sighed. “To no use.”

Royce could attest she’d been faithful to her first fiancé.Sadly. Not only had Royce buried himself in his studies for the last few years, he’d avoided temptations. No dates, no flirting, no kisses during all those months they’d studied at UC.

What good had it done them to act like angels or monks?Never again,he silently vowed.

“You have to help me, Royce.” She squeezed his hand. “If you don’t know any women suitable for Kasem, you have to find places where he can discover them for himself. Remember, having a girlfriend won’t stop him from marrying me.”

“I know.” Royce huffed, doubting that Kasem would marry anyone but her. Why get rid of the goose that lays the golden eggs, especially if he could have mistresses on the side? “I know,” he repeated, overwhelmed by the enormous—practically impossible—task to get the scumbag to marry elsewhere.

“Will you do it for me?” She grabbed his shoulders. “Please, Royce, you’re the only loyal person in my life. I count on you.”

Amazed by her incredible trust in him, he considered her carefully. Fighting on her own for years, following the straight path, and never giving up on her dreams, she was a dazzling woman, lovely, smart, determined, and yet so vulnerable. His gaze dropped from her eyes shining with tears to her full lips, luscious and innocent. His breath caught in his chest, and his pulse raced.

“For you, I’ll do anything, Susan.” Anything for the incredible pleasure of tasting her mouth, holding her in his arms, making up for years of useless self-discipline.