Page 47 of Kissing Plans

Chapter Thirteen

As soon as they arrived at the house, they emptied the cooler and Susan stored the food boxes in the fridge. “Initially I invited you here for a drink,” Royce winked at her. “You go upstairs make yourself comfortable, and I’ll bring you a Grand Marnier.”

Lips pinched, she nodded. With a strong drink, she would forget her inhibitions.

“We’re not going out again. You can change for the night,” he said. “I’ll bring the bottle upstairs in case we want a second drink.”

A second and a third drink would help. She ran upstairs, opened the carryon he’d set on his desk next to his backpack while she’d arranged the food in the fridge. If he thought she’d brought sexy lingerie, he would be disappointed. She pulled out a pink pajama set and a short, yellow, linen nightgown. Opting for the decent pajamas, she changed and hung her clothes in his closet, then removed her jewelry.

Going into the bathroom, she washed her face and was brushing her hair, about to pull it into a ponytail, when Royce knocked on the open door. He wore a pair of black night shorts.

His gaze roamed over her appreciatively. “I love the way your long hair floats down your back, reminding me of black satin.”

She chuckled. “You’re becoming a poet.”

He smiled. “Maybe you inspire me.” His eyes focused on her linen pants and his eyebrows shot up.

Following his gaze, she glanced down. “What’s wrong? You don’t like my pajama pants?”

“Not particularly. Tonight’s dress code calls for bare legs.” He pointed a finger at his legs.

“Really? Okay.” She slipped out of her pants, and he thanked her with a big grin.

“Much better. It’s warm enough.”

Sighing with relief, she realized her shirt was long enough to reach mid-thigh, and didn’t protest when he casually wrapped an arm around her back and led her to his room.

After offering her a glass with amber liquid, he raised his own drink in a toast.

“To you, my beautiful Susan. This weekend is yours, dedicated to your happiness. Ask for anything you want, and feel free to say no to anything that bothers you.”

“Thank you, Royce.”

“Don’t thank me. I’m the one who should thank you for coming.”

Basking in his warm admiration and reassured that he was still her loyal friend who would do anything for her, she offered him a radiant smile and sipped her drink. In the car, he’d proposed a private toast, and she’d gladly accepted.

For the first time in her life, she didn’t feel pressured, obliged to perform according to the rules set out by tradition and her family. She could follow her own whims or her friend’s lead.

Was he still her best friend? Or her boyfriend, or… Her lover, yes, but she didn’t like the bad reputation that word implied. Frowning, she sat on the edge of the bed, analyzing her relationship to Royce. Unfortunately, he couldn’t be her fiancé. In general, she hated all fiancés. Would he ever become her hus—”

“Earth to Susan. Why the frown?”

She spun to him. “What am I to you, Royce?”

Meeting her gaze, he lowered himself beside her, answering without hesitation, “You’re the woman I love, the one I trust, the one I pledge to support, help, and protect. The one I plan to keep at my side forever.”

“As your girlfriend?”

“As my wife, the moment we can make it official. Hopefully in two months, as soon as we get rid of an undesired obstacle.” He set his glass and hers on the night table. “Did I answer your question, Susan?”

“Yes, yes of course.”

“You don’t seem totally convinced.” He cradled her face between his hands. “Don’t you believe me?”

“Yes, I do, but we don’t have any concrete plan toget rid of the undesired obstacle,” she repeated his words and snorted.

“Patience, things have changed. He agreed to postpone your wedding. Give him time to recognize he doesn’t want to marry you.”