Page 2 of Kissing Plans

“I’m from New Jersey and have never been to Cincinnati,” Mrs. Chen continued. “I’m looking forward to visiting the city. Too bad I won’t have a chance to meet your parents. Susan explained that Dr. Winston is semi-retired in the Caribbean and lives now on a yacht in St. John.”

Mrs. Chen meeting his father and Lillian… As if Royce needed another complication in his life. At least, Susan hadn’t twisted his father’s story.

“Mae, you should have seen the party Dr. Winston threw on his yacht to celebrate Royce’s graduation and mine.”

“What? You traveled to St. John with Royce?” Kasem roared, his voice too suspicious.

“Of course not. I accompanied his brother Matt’s fiancée, Dr. Brenda Hammer. She’s the psychologist who helped me with my thesis. Actually, the purpose of the trip to St. John was to attend Royce’s brother’s wedding. ”

Afraid to say the wrong thing—or anything that wouldn’t match Susan’s fictional version of her life story—Royce kept his mouth shut.

“Must be nice to marry on a Caribbean island,” Kasem mused aloud, a moment later. “Maybe we’ll honeymoon on St. John, Susie. Royce, would your father lend us his boat for a few days?”

Royce scoffed. “Don’t count on it. The yacht is my father’s big love and year-round residence.”

“If your parents love Susan like a daughter, I’m sure they’ll make an exception for us.”

How conceited could one be? Royce huffed, waiting for Susan to rebuke her fiancé.

“Don’t worry Kasem, you’ll have plenty of time to meet and befriend Dr. Winston and garner an invitation to his yacht,” she said with her steady, sweet voice, yet Royce caught a glimpse of her eye-roll in the rearview mirror.

What game was she playing? A vortex of anger swirled inside him. For five years, she’d insisted she had to be loyal to her Thai fiancé, the sleaze who’d married without officially bothering to break their engagement. Meanwhile, Royce had treated her like a dear friend, a respected friend without fringe benefits. And now that he was determined to make up for his reluctance in the past, she’d arrived with another Thai in tow.

His blood boiling in his veins, Royce left the highway and turned onto the street leading to a bungalow partially concealed by mature maple trees, his stepmother’s house. Using the remote in his car, he opened the garage and heard Max’s joyful barking.

“There’s a dog here?” Kasem frowned, which prompted Royce to grin. If Kasem didn’t like dogs, he’d better stay away from the ferocious German shepherd.

“Don’t worry, Kasem, Max is sweet and loves Susan who’s taken care of him for years. You’ll be safe, Mrs. Chen. Max won’t allow any intruders near you.”

The barking increased, proof that Max didn’t like strangers. Royce helped Kasem unload the suitcases and drag them through the kitchen to the bedrooms.

Susan opened the door leading into the backyard and admitted the dog and two cats. “Max, I’ve missed you so much.” Crouched on the kitchen tile floor, she hugged the big dog and dropped down, the two cats jumping into her lap and purring under her caresses. “Mitzi, Wendy, you didn’t forget me. Meet my Mae. She loves cats.”

But Mrs. Chen was caressing Max’s head and receiving welcoming licks on her hand. “You’re a beautiful dog, Max. Now I know my daughter was safe with you watching over her.” She walked to a bedroom followed by the two cats.

Max groaned and suddenly jumped up, barking.

“Hey, stay away from me,” Kasem shouted, shooing him away with menacing arms.

Max backed up two steps, growled, and hurled himself, grasping the flaps of Kasem’s jacket between his formidable teeth.

“Help. Tell him to let go.” Eyes wide-open in fear, Kasem stared at his assailant, begging, “Please, please. Go away.”

“Down, Max,” Susan ordered. “Come here, boy.” She grabbed the dog by his collar, and he released his victim.

Kasem exhaled, his breathing loud. “I… I’ll wait in the car.”

He darted out of the kitchen, accompanied by Max’s loud barks.

A furtive smile appeared on Susan’s lips. “Since there’s no lost love between these two, Kasem won’t come here often.”

“Good.” Royce crossed his arms on his chest. “Don’t you think you owe me an explanation?”

“Yes, I do, but first I need to buy some food. The fridge is empty.”

“Sorry, I didn’t fill it. I thought you would be staying with me. I have a delicious dinner waiting at my condo.”

Damn it, he’d come here daily to feed the pets, but she’d never mentioned that she would be bringing her mother and an unwelcome fiancé in tow.