Page 69 of Rescue Plans

Chapter Seventeen

A moment later, they landed on the SAMF heliport.

Without a word, Arianna unbuckled herself and started cleaning the stretcher area, gathering the soiled towels into a bucket. Leo checked the drawers and cabinets and took the heavy pail from her. When she followed him to the door, Rafael took her hand. “Stay. Leo,” he called. “Tell Andy and Barbara that I’m taking Nurse Garcia on a quick reconnaissance mission.”

“Will do.” Always loyal to his captain, Leo walked away without comment.

“What mission?” She just wanted to go home to Annabelle.

“Buckle up, Nurse Garcia. We’re lifting.”

She huffed, sat back in her seat, and buckled in. Rafael chose to assume his captain’s role, but she was too tired to argue or even pay attention. She shut her eyes, wishing she could sleep and forget today’s drama.

“Arianna.” Sitting in the seat beside her, Rafael caressed her cheek. “Arianna, my love. We landed a few minutes ago.”

“Ah.” She glanced through the right window at the ocean, and through the left window at palm trees. “Where are we?”

“A deserted beach, on a tiny island, southeast of Miami.” Pleased with himself, he smiled.

“What the heck for?”

“I’ve been studying the area. This beach is unknown and nameless. And yet it’s about to become memorable. In a moment, I’ll ask you to name it, but first, we have important things to talk about. I wanted a quiet place, before we go back to our joyous but noisy home.”

“Yes, we have to talk.” He wouldn’t let her forget the morning’s drama for long. “I have to explain—”

He put a finger across her lips. “No, you have to listen to me first.”

“Okay.” She braced herself for a well-deserved reprimand.

He took her hand in his and stroked it. Bummer! Was it going to be so bad a scolding that he needed to soothe her first?

“Arianna, we’ve been dating and living together for more than a year now. I love you, and I know you love me. We’ve lived as a couple, and we’ve lived as a family with our adorable Annabelle.”

Her heart squeezed painfully. “About Annabelle—”

“Shh, I said you have to listen. I’m not good at speeches. If you stop me, you’ll only have yourself to blame. See? I can’t find the words anymore. I’m a man of action. Damn it, what was I saying?”


“Damn it, forget the speech. I have it written down somewhere.” He let go of her hand and slipped to the floor, looking down.

“Did you drop something?”

“Shush... No, I’m trying to propose. Arianna, my love, will you marry me?” He opened a velvet bag and pulled out a diamond ring.

“Oh my God, you mean...”

“Yes, I mean, you and me officially getting married and living together. Forever. Because I love you so much. So?”

“Oh my God.”

“Well, say something.” She looked at him. “Arianna, say yes.”

“Yes, yes, yes. I love you, Rafael.”

He slipped the solitaire onto her finger and straightened, pulling her into his arms for a searing kiss.

She laughed and looked at the ring. “It’s gorgeous. When did you decide...”