Page 49 of Rescue Plans

She burst out laughing. “I suppose I’ve grown up and matured. Didn’t you?”

“That’s...for sure. You’re...” Her haughty gaze must have frozen the words on his tongue. “Huh... You’re a stunning beauty, Arianna. We should meet over dinner and talk—”

She stopped short and faced him. “Meet because I’m a stunning beauty, or meet to discuss our medical career or...”

“Reminisce about the past and—”

“Forget it, Cody. The last thing I want to remember is my miserable past.”

“Huh, sorry. We’ll talk about the present. I want to know everything about you.”

Her stomach churned with frustration. He hadn’t changed a bit, considering her a pretty piece to use for his pleasure. They stepped into the elevator, and he stood too close for comfort, bending his head toward her. “I’ve missed you so much, babe.”

She jerked back. “Stop that. You have a wife, and I have a very dear boyfriend.”

He stiffened. “I’m divorced. The marriage imposed by my father didn’t last more than a year.”

“Why? Did you cheat on her?”

“She dumped me,” he sputtered, bristling with indignation. “Can you imagine it? She claimed I neglected her because I spent too much time at the hospital.”

Arianna stifled a nervous laugh. The self-confident doctor so full of himself getting a taste of his own medicine.

“I’ve never found anyone like you, babe, so sweet and yet so hot.” He bent toward her, his eyes focused on her mouth.

“Stop it.” She jumped back and lifted a hand to shield her mouth from his assault.

“I missed you so much, babe.”

“Stop it, I said, you jerk,” she spat the words at him when he trapped her between the elevator wall and his chest. “This is harassment.”

“You weren’t this difficult in the past.”

The elevator doors screeched open, and she sidled out.

“In the past, you took advantage of a teenager who depended on your father’s charity for her college. I was too terrified to lose his support, which eventually happened anyway because of you. Shame on you, Dr. Cody Mason.”

His eyebrows shot up. “What charity? All my father did was provide you with a scholarship based on your excellent performance.”

“Schol...” She hesitated, blinking in bemusement, and grabbed his sleeve to stop him. “How did Dr. Mason provide me with a scholarship? I lost mine when I missed too many days at the end of my first year.”

“It wasn’t a big deal. The hospital offers scholarships to nursing school for the medical aides showing good performance and a promising future. All my father did was fill in an application and add a recommendation for you.”

Her pulse spinning, she riveted her gaze on the man who’d kept her in his power for two years. “He never said anything.”

“Well, he was a busy man. He wasn’t used to chatting with you.”

“Still... What about you? You never mentioned I’d received a scholarship.”

“Hey, we had better things to do.” His smirk sent an itch to her hand.

“Ah.” Fuming with anger, she lifted her hand to slap him, but reconsidered and fisted her fingers, dropping her arm to her side. He’d just gifted her with amazing information.

Good Lord, she’d never owed the Masons anything. She’d done it all on her own.

On your own, Arianna. Rising pride thumped down the lousy memories and a growing peace enveloped her heart.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the past, Cody. I didn’t. I was too busy working and studying,” she started with a cool composed voice, her tone getting cooler and forceful with every word. “I went through a rough time and survived on my own. You weren’t there to lend a friendly hand or support me. So don’t try to kiss me now.” She shook a threatening finger under his nose. “Listen to me, Cody Mason. Now,Ichoose whomIkiss.” She spat the words contemptuously.