Page 35 of Rescue Plans

“He’s in surgery. There’s a good chance he’ll survive.”

“Let’s go.” In the copter, Rafael touched his magnet.Help him, please.

Once they were home, he went straight to his condo to change the way he did every day, but instead of heading to Arianna’s apartment for dinner, he poured himself scotch on the rocks, and settled on the balcony with his laptop. He needed to immerse himself into his past, look at his wife and son’s pictures, and assure them he hadn’t forgotten them.

Here in the privacy of his balcony, he allowed himself to sob as he perused their wedding and honeymoon pictures, Mark’s baby and toddler pictures, his first day at school, his soccer games, Mark on his bicycle, at the zoo, and so many more.

Around eight, a blip announced a text from Arianna. He frowned. Couldn’t she respect his privacy for once? He read.

I left your share of lasagna at the door. I know you need to be alone.

He’d misjudged her. She did understand his need for privacy.

He texted back

Thank you.

Eating something after four glasses of scotch was not a bad idea. He straightened and grimaced at his wobbling. Holding the wall, he slowly padded through the living room, set the laptop on the table to avoid dropping it, and reached the bathroom sink. After dousing his head under water, he felt better, and retrieved the pan left at the door. The lasagna was hot and delicious. He ate it and then collapsed on the bed.

The sun flooding the room woke him from his slumber. Rafael raised his head and collapsed back onto the pillow, hating the hammer banging and the trumpet blaring inside his skull.

He tried to reach his phone and realized it was ringing.

“How’s the hangover, Captain Lopez?” Leo chuckled softly.

“Ho-wi-ble.” Why was his tongue so heavy?

“It’s past noon, Captain. I notified the boss you weren’t coming in today. Stomach flu. All right?” His old buddy protected his reputation like a dear brother.

“Thanks, Leo.”

“I hope you’re not drinking again tonight.”

“Nope. I may spend the afternoon under the shower to clear the bugs in my brain.”

“And the young neighbor?”

“Last night, she sent me a pan of lasagna. Otherwise not a word. Did she ask you anything?”

“No questions yesterday. No calls today. She knows how to respect someone’s privacy.”

“See you tomorrow, Leo.”

He dragged himself to the kitchen and brewed a pot of coffee, and then soaked under the shower for fifteen minutes. Breakfast settled his stomach, but the headache demanded another nap. To avoid any disturbance, he texted his boss, saying he had a twenty-four hour stomach bug and would be back at work tomorrow, then texted Arianna.

Lasagna delicious. Could you leave more at the door? Still sleeping?

She answered,Check your door around 7.

He smiled, tempted to tell her to come down and massage his back.

A pang in his heart reminded him of Janice, of the young woman who’d died in yesterday’s accident. He felt he owed them both a day of mourning.

The next day, he thought he should say something to Arianna about his strange behavior.

“I’m sor—”

“Don’t.” She raised her hand. “We all have skeletons in our closets, or painful memories that belong to no one else. You don’t have to explain, but if you need a soothing massage...” she winked.