Page 30 of Rescue Plans

Chapter Eight

Rafael had trouble collecting his thoughts. An image kept popping into his mind—Arianna sleeping in her pink short pjs with her hands under the pillow clasped on a gun and a knife.

“Oh crap,” she exclaimed, her fingers splaying over her throat.

“What now?”

“Do you think Julio has tracked me to this building through my old phone?” Redness shadowed her beautiful blue eyes.

“Of course not.” Eager to reassure her, he added, “You’ve lived in the same apartment for almost ten years, and you didn’t run away after his nasty visits. That must have reassured him. I’m sure he doesn’t check your phone often.”

She nodded, and then jumped out of her chair, eyes wide with fear. “Yesterday, I called the manager of my former complex to notify him I won’t be renting there anymore. What if he called him? What if Julio told him to keep an eye on me?”

“Did the manager ask you why you were moving? And where to?”

“No, not a single question. He was too happy to have the apartment to rent. He gets a commission on new tenants. Plus, I left my furniture there. He’ll probably try to sell it and keep the money for himself.”

“Right, in that case I’m sure he won’t say a word for fear that Julio insists he bought them, and they belong to him.” Not that her furniture was worth much. “Listen babe, we’ll sit on the sofa and relax together.”

The glance she tossed him indicated she wouldn’t be able to relax tonight. She needed a stronger sedative than soothing words. His arm around her waist, he walked her to the sofa. “I’m getting your favorite drink and coming back to relax with you.”

He cleared the table, poured two glasses of Bailey’s Irish Cream and dropped down next to her. “To our next flight together.” He touched his glass against hers.

She wasn’t in a mood to celebrate. “Rafael, if we’re flying to a different town tomorrow, I’m taking the phone with me and switching it on as Carl suggested.”

“Sure, and the day after that to another location. Forget that skunk for now. Turn around and let me massage your back.”

A few minutes later, she sighed. “That feels so good.”

“I know.”

Seeing her relax had helped him, too. After stroking her back, shoulders, and lower back for half an hour, he realized she’d fallen asleep. Determined not to disturb her peaceful slumber, he remained still for some time, then decided they would be more comfortable in bed. He carried her there and started undressing her.

She jerked awake. “What are you doing?”

“Undressing you and then tucking you into bed. Okay?”

“Okay. Thank you.” Her eyes closed again, and she didn’t protest, and maybe didn’t even notice when he slid off her shirt, shorts, and bra, leaving her with her panties on. He yanked off his shirt and shorts, but kept his boxers. Gathering her against him, he pulled the light blanket over them. Tonight, they didn’t need sex; they needed trust and togetherness.


“What the hell…” Arianna woke up to the strident sound of a trumpet. Eyes wide and dazed, she surveyed her sleeping area and reached for her company phone. As if on cue, the phone rang.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty. This is your wake-up call.”

She huffed. “A trumpet woke me up already.”

“Good. I set it up last night.” His hearty laughter made her smile. “It’ll blare again in half an hour to encourage you to hurry up, and in an hour to remind you to leave. We start at eight, but you should check in a few minutes earlier.”

“Don’t worry. I’m a nurse. I’m used to starting the day early.”

“See you soon.”

She jumped out of bed, rushed into the shower, and dressed in her uniform: white pants and shirt with the company logo and her name embroidered on the left side of the top.

While she left her coffee to brew in the sophisticated machine, she fixed her bed—a chore she’d never bothered within her lousy neighborhood, but here her welcomed neighbor might visit unexpectedly.

By seven fifteen, the strong aroma of coffee emanated from the kitchen. She indulged in drinking her coffee and eating her bagel and cheese on the balcony, while enjoying her unique view.