Page 24 of Rescue Plans

“Any questions?” Barbara asked.

Arianna smiled. “No, it’s great. I’m so happy to be given a chance to work at SAMF.” Andy, Jack, and Barbara returned her smile. “And to fly with these expert pilots.” She acknowledged them with a nod.

Liam, Mark, and Steve grinned, but Rafael needed to make a point. “Andy, you should specify that Ms. Garcia is signing up to replace Martha onmyhelicopter. I hope this is clear.”

“In case Arianna is not pleased or relaxed on your copter, she can always join me on my plane,” Steve said.

“Or in my copter,” Liam added.

“Or in mine,” Mike finished.

“Thank you, Captain Albert, Captain Carlson, and Captain Barrett.” She signed the contract. “I was told I was hired to fly with Captain Lopez. I’ll do my best Captain Lopez. I hope you’ll be satisfied.”

“Welcome aboard, Arianna. I’ll take you on a quick trip today and explain my expectations.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

The other pilots shook their heads. “If you’re not happy, just give us a call.” Steve interjected.

“I’ll take Arianna for a training run and demonstrate her duties.”

“Who has the next assignment?”Barbara asked.

“I do, in two hours,” Mike said.

“I have one in an hour,” Liam offered.

The door burst opened, and Louisa announced, “Emergency copter needed off 95, on Sample Road exit. Rafael, you’re free?”

“On my way. Arianna, looks like it’ll be on-the-job training. Consider the scene of the accident your ER and take care of your patient. Can you do it?”

They all stared at her.

“Yes, of course. I’m ready. I have scrubs in my car.”

“No, we’ll give you scrubs with the company logo. Come with me to change. Rafael, we’ll meet you at the heliport,” Barbara called as she jumped to her feet and rushed to the door, with Arianna on her heels.

Finally, Rafael relaxed. “See you later.”

He would take care of all her training himself.