Page 15 of Rescue Plans

She watched him for a few seconds and smiled, then lowered the bar across the door, switched off the lights, and entered her room to lie on her bed. Tonight, for the first time in years, she wouldn’t fret and toss for an hour, listening to every noise until she fell asleep.


In the early morning, Rafael watched her sleep for a moment, so pretty with her hair spread across the pillow and an innocent pout on her lips. He bent over to kiss her, but pulled back. There were too many serious things to arrange.

He gently caressed her naked shoulder. “Arianna, time to get up.”

She opened her eyes, blinked, and then smiled. “You’re still here? Thank you.”

“Sorry to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully.”

“True. Knowing you were guarding my door helped me sleep more soundly than ever.”

“It’s six o’clock. You said you had to meet Greg at eight.”

“Well, I’ve got plenty of time.”

“Not if you plan to pack.”

“Pack now?”

He nodded. “We’re not coming back to this hellhole.”

“Seriously? I have to collect my things and decide what to do with my furniture.”

“Start by packing. I’ll help you. Where’s your carry-on?”

She shrugged. “Never owned one. Never went anywhere beyond Miami on one side and Fort Lauderdale on the other. Besides, these are my clothes.” She pulled open the closet door, revealing two pairs of shorts, a few tops, and a pair of jeans. “I keep my nice pants and a shirt rolled up in my gym bag. I don’t want them stolen.”

“You’ve had a break-in?”

“Call it a swift visit, actually several. After they stole my laptop on my first day at work as a nurse, I avoided leaving any valuables. Everything of importance is in the gym bag I carry to my car every day.”

“Damn.” He couldn’t wait to get her out of this place. He would save his questions about her past for later. “How will you pack?”

“I’ll roll my clothes, fill the two pillowcases, then I’ll shower and change. Meanwhile if you want to help, gather my kitchen stuff into a garbage bag. I’ll put my toiletries into another one when I’m done.”

Thirty minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom in black shorts and a t-shirt, her wet hair pulled into a ponytail. He dropped the full pillowcases and garbage bags near the door. “Yourluggageis ready.”

She laughed. “See how efficient I am? Let’s see what we have in the fridge. I’m not leaving any food.”

He’d already scanned the fridge, four slices of bread, two boiled eggs, half a pack of American cheese, and three bananas. He could eat the whole thing for breakfast.

“Help yourself.”

He rummaged around for a coffee maker. She shook her head. “I drink my coffee at the hospital. A coffee maker wouldn’t last a day in this place.”

“Of course.” Nothing would surprise him aboutthis place. “Are we ready?”

“We forgot the freezer.” She opened it and dug out half a pizza, two steaks, and a bag of green beans she shoved in a plastic bag. “Wait. Let me take one last look around.” She went to her closet, knelt, and removed the corner of the faded carpet, revealing an envelope she brought to her heart. “My pictures. I had to hide them.” She shoved them into her gym bag and zipped it.

“It’s a quarter to seven. Can we go?”

“What am I going to do with my furniture?”

Not much here—the bed, night table, sofa, a small table, and two chairs. He wouldn’t voice an opinion.

“I can’t throw them out. I’ll leave them for the next occupant.” She surveyed her apartment, her eyes filling with tears.