Page 11 of Rescue Plans

“Hmm, let me see what I can do.” Browsing through his tablet, Greg twitched his mouth. “Hmm…Hmm… How about a studio with a great view?”

“You mean no closed bedroom? No way.”

“The owner did a good job remodeling it. The pictures won’t do it justice. You have to see it. Come with me.” They followed him to the elevator. “This studio is two floors above Rafael’s.”

The spacious living room resembled Rafael’s, but in addition it contained an alcove with a built-in bed.

“If you pull these sliding doors, you have a small bedroom, enclosing an organized closet on one side and a complete bathroom on the other.”

Geez, she loved this exquisite small apartment, as complete as possible.

“Any view of the water?”

“You bet.” He slid open the glass doors to the balcony.

Arianna squealed. “Oh my God, I see more ocean from here, and the Intercoastal branching into two canals. Stunning. Is it expensive?” She bit her lip and caught Rafael’s eyes focused on her mouth. She stopped chewing on her lip and smiled. She would have to kick that habit.

Greg named the rent. It surprised her. She could afford it, especially if she bargained for a better salary as Rafael had suggested. “How come? Is there something wrong with it?”

“Not at all. The owner is a photographer for a TV station. He got an assignment in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries. He left at the end of last week. Obviously, he’s in a rush to rent his place. He also wants someone tidy who won’t ruin his nice condo.”

“Can I take pictures?”

“You sure can.” Greg handed her a folder with papers to study. “Think about it. Text me with an answer as soon as you reach a decision,” he added as they rode the elevator down to Rafael’s floor.

“I’ll leave you to talk about it. I have things to do now,” Greg stayed in the elevator.

“Thank you, Greg. I have so much to think about.”

The studio was gorgeous and such an improvement over the pit where she’d lived the past several years. This high-rise would put her within the distance imposed by SAMF, but had one flaw—its proximity to Rafael’s condo. Living in the same building as Captain Lopez would be too close for comfort, even if he claimed she wasn’t reporting to him. Would a two-floor separation be enough to ensure her privacy?

“You’re very quiet.”

She realized they’d re-entered his condo while she was deep in thought. “I have too much on my mind.” Facing him, she added, “Would you mind driving me to Mercy Hospital? I need to retrieve my car and…”

“Go home?”

She nodded.

“Right away.” He handed her the windbreaker she’d left on a chair.

Grateful he hadn’t tried to convince her to stay, she peered at him. “I’m sorry I’ve put you to so much trouble.”

“No problem, Arianna. You have to think about signing the contract for your new job, the possibility of renting the condo and moving, and so many other things…”

“Yes, I’m glad you understand.” She averted her eyes. In fact, he would never understand. No man could come to grips with the amount of hatred she’d fought to overcome.

Rafael led her to the closest elevator. “We have four elevators. All of them are on generators in case we lose electricity during a hurricane, and one is large enough to transport furniture,” he explained, as if he didn’t doubt she would move in soon.

With a huge effort, she tried to follow the conversation. By the time they entered the hospital parking lot, she realized they’d been quiet for a while.

“Where did you park?”

She indicated the spot where she’d left her vehicle that morning. “Thank you,” she said when he stopped behind her car.

He climbed out of his Porsche and opened the door for her. “Don’t be so tense. Things will work out.”

“Do I look that bad?”

“You look lovely.” He chuckled, and then sobered. “But you seem to be carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. I put you through a tough time, and you coped brilliantly, but you’re still feeling the aftermath. In addition, you’re faced with several decisions regarding your future. Tomorrow, things will look brighter.”

She nodded and forced a smile. “You’re right. Once I reached a few decisions, I’ll be able to relax.”

“Good night. I’ll call you in an hour to make sure you’re okay.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a brief kiss. “Sweet dreams. I’ll be thinking of you.”

She caressed his cheek. “Rafael, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me today.”

“You sure know how to warm a man’s blood.” He squeezed her against him and captured her lips in a torrid kiss. When they came up for air, they both inhaled. “Go, before I beg you to come back to my place.” He backed up.

She slid into her car, wishing he’d begged her to go with him, but she would have regretted it the next day.