Page 9 of Rescue Plans

“I remember those rollercoasters.” He burst out laughing. “And I remember the girls snuggling against the boys, and the torrid kisses that followed.”

“Exactly.” Her cheeks pinked. She must have experienced her share of post-rollercoaster kisses.

“The way we kissed today.” He allowed himself a seductive smile.

She emptied her first glass of wine and met his gaze boldly. “We’re not kids. We know what we’re doing.”

He liked a woman confident enough to show her feelings without shyness. “I’m glad you said that.” The waiter brought their entrées and set the plates in front of them.

“Bon appétit.”

“It’s delicious,” Arianna said after tasting her first bite.

For a brief moment, they ate quietly, savoring their food.

“Do you often go on risky missions?” Her serious tone revealed her interest. “I mean hazardous ones?”

Without missing a beat, he explained his philosophy. “Mission number one is always safety. It comes first before anything and everything.”

“But today...and this morning you risked—”

“No. I didn’t risk danger because I like challenge. Far from it.” He shook his head. “But we have to be prepared for unexpected situations all the time. When we receive a phone call about an emergency, a gravely ill patient to transport, we have ten minutes to run and jump into the copter. I always study the weather. If the conditions are safe, I don’t hesitate to go. But we never know how things can change unexpectedly—like today.”

“And if the weather isn’t the best?”

“I weigh the pros and the cons of the situation. On the one hand, we have a human life to save, on the other, I can’t afford to endanger four lives. If I doubt I can make it to my destination and back safely, I notify SAMF to make other arrangements—plane or ambulance.”

Her dark, blue eyes shone with admiration. “I understand. I’ll be ready for any mission.”

He reached out across the table and squeezed her hand. “After today, I’m convinced you’ll make a great flight nurse.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“Have a piece of lasagna.”

She cut off a small square and moved it to her plate. “As good as you claimed.” She finished her piece, sipped the rest of her wine, and dabbed at her mouth.

“Would you like dessert?”

“I’m full, thank you.”

He wasn’t ready to let her off the hook yet. There was more he needed to know. “Where do you live, Arianna?”

“On west Sunrise.”

“Hmm, you’re quite far from SAMF. Didn’t HR notify you that you should be within a fifteen-minute ride to the heliport?”

“They did. I’ve been looking at places within the acceptable range. Where do you live?”

“I bought a small condo in Aventura a few years ago.”

“Nice area. Too expensive for me.”

“I’m sure my real estate agent could find you a one-bedroom rental for a decent price. Besides, you should negotiate your salary and bonuses. Flight nurses are difficult to come by.”

“Can you give me your agent’s phone number?”

“I’ll do better. If you don’t mind stopping by my condo for an after-dinner drink, I’ll ask him to come over and meet you. He lives in the building.”