Page 8 of Rescue Plans

Chapter Three

“My car is parked here. We’ll take it,” Rafael said, tossing a quick look at Arianna’s stiff back. “I’ll take you back to the hospital to retrieve yours after dinner.”

“No problem.” She seemed ready to accommodate him, now that he’d given her the green light to work for the company.

He would bet her eager response to his kisses had been an outlet, a way of venting her nervousness. Although a delayed reaction, her holding onto his shoulders had betrayed her initial fear. She’d reminded him of himself as a beginner pilot determined to conquer his fear of the unknown. After a difficult flight, he counted on a strong drink and intense sex to relieve the tension.

Thinking of her passionate kisses, he suppressed a smile and glanced at his companion, sitting primly in his Porsche, her hands folded in her lap. She hadn’t said a word since they’d left SAMF heliport. Where was the assertiveness she’d shown when he’d first met her on the roof? She looked as if she could use both a drink and some lovemaking to regain her carefree poise.

He entered the parking lot and slipped the car into the only available slot.

“Busy place,” Arianna commented. “You come here often?”

“As often as I can. I don’t cook and have no one to cook for me. Do you cook?”

“I do. I don’t have time to visit restaurants, and I can’t afford to eat out. By the way, I’m agoodcook,” she added with a chuckle. “I’ll invite you for a home cooked meal one day—if you’re interested.”

“I would love that.” He opened the car door for her. They walked side by side to the restaurant.

The hostess greeted them with a big smile. “Captain Lopez, glad to see you again.”

“Hello, Marisa, any tables for two?”

“We’ll have one ready in a few minutes.” She left them and returned five minutes later. “Follow me.” She led them to a freshly reset table for two against the far wall.

Rafael held a chair for his guest, and the hostess left two menus on the table.

“Thank you.” Arianna removed her windbreaker and sat.

The waiter handed him a wine card. “Any particular flavor?” Rafael asked her.

“I’m not an expert, but I like a good red.”

He ordered a bottle of Merlot.

Her eyes widened. “A whole bottle?”

“After today’s activities, I can use a few glasses. Can’t you?”

She chuckled. “Two glasses for sure.”

They studied the menu. “I’ll have the veal parmesan you recommended.”

“And the lasagna?”

“I can’t have both. It’s too much.”

“Maybe you can try a piece of mine.”

The waiter returned with a bottle he uncorked. After pouring some into a wine glass, he handed it to Rafael to taste and approve. Once he did, the waiter filled their glasses.

Rafael lifted his glass. “Welcome to SAMF, and good luck with your new career.”

She smiled brightly. “Thank you. And to many successful flights with Captain Lopez.”

He grinned and clinked his glass against hers. Sipping his wine, he peered at her. “I’m surprised you’re not resenting me for subjecting you to that crazy flight.”

“On the contrary, I’m grateful you showed me from day one the worst I can expect. The first few bumps shocked me. Crossing through the clouds had me gasping, but then I immediately reassured myself. Captain Lopez knows what he’s doing. He would never risk the lives of his passengers without a good reason. I imagined myself on a rollercoaster, the type I used to ride as a teenager, and relaxed.”