Page 70 of Rescue Plans

“I’ve been planning this for more than a month. I bought the ring and spent time looking for the right place to propose.”

“Your copter is the perfect place.”

“And on this beach.” He pulled a small bag out of a cabinet. “I bought you a bikini. Change and then let’s have a celebratory swim.” He opened the helicopter door and climbed out.

“A swim to celebrate. How lovely.” She laughed, bubbling with happiness, and removed her clothes to slip on the tiny bikini. “Ready,” she called.

“Me, too.” He opened his arms, catching her in his arms when she jumped out. “Being gallant to his flight nurse? A first for Captain Lopez,” she joked.

“Oh sh… I forgot the towels.”

She giggled. “I have sterile ones.”

He took her hand, and they ran to the ocean. He dove in while she slowly padded in, getting used to the water temperature. They swam and enjoyed their free time for almost an hour.

“I think we should go back now.” He pulled her to him and kissed her.

“I love you, Rafael. I’m so happy, I’m afraid I’ll jinx myself.”

“We’ve worked hard to be happy. We’ve faced a lot of hardships, and we’ve struggled to overcome them. We’ll continue to do it together. Don’t worry about losing Annabelle. I won’t let anyone take her.”

“Rafael, in the copter, Julio asked me to take care of Annabelle. She’s his daughter.”

“Are you serious?” His eyed widened in shock.

She nodded. “I was stunned to hear him say her name. Now, it makes sense. She was in a clinic in Everglades City, and he lived not far from there. He wants me to raise her. Does it bother you?”

“No, I love her. I’m glad we won’t have to fight to keep her. And I’m so glad you’re happy and will be able to relax, not worrying about your stalker any longer. You know I’ll love you forever, babe.” He brought her against him for a searing kiss, and she held on to his neck.

After drying off in the afternoon sun, they collected their towels and returned to the copter to change before takeoff.


At home, Arianna hugged Annabelle longer than usual, whispering to her.

“Your daddy gave you to me, sweetie-pie. You may never meet him, but I’ll tell you only the beautiful stories about him. You’ll learn to love him and pray for him. His mamma will protect you as she has ever since you were born. You’ll have a wonderful father here to take care of you and maybe several brothers and sisters. We’ll be a happy family.”

Annabelle giggled and smacked a wet kiss on her cheek.

After dinner, a family time Annabelle, sitting in her high-chair, shared with her foster parents, Arianna called Mercy Hospital to inquire about Julio. A nurse informed her that the surgeon had removed a bullet near the lung and patched the multiple knife wounds he’d received to his stomach and spleen. Unfortunately, he’d yet to awaken. Sadly, his blood tests had revealed that he’d been loaded with drugs. She thanked the nurse and ended the call.

Seeing the time, Arianne got Annabelle ready for bed. Teaching the child good habits, she gave her a toothbrush and brushed her own teeth in front of the toddler who imitated her mama in everything. Then, they both changed into short pjs for bed.

A few minutes later, Annabelle was sound asleep. Following their nightly routine, Rafael carried her to his condo and set her in the crib he’d bought for her and kept in a corner of his living room. In a short robe over her pjs, Arianna followed him, carrying two teddies.

As they sat on his balcony enjoying the balmy night and sharing a drink, Rafael pulled her onto his lap.

“It’s been a busy day to say the least. I can never complain of being bored at your side.”

She chuckled and then sobered, thinking of Julio. “A bittersweet time.”

“I would like to stop using a condom from now on.”

Understanding his thoughts, she pressed her cheek against his. “I would love to have several children, a happy family where no one is lonely.”

Caressing her hair, he added, “I’m thinking of looking for a house. Annabelle will need a yard where she can play.”

“You want to sell our condos?” She didn’t want to lose her magnificent view.