Page 65 of Rescue Plans

“You said to feed her formula only after the surgery. What about now?”

“She can resume her normal regimen,” he answered, his eyes perusing Claudia’s card.

“Cody, I have no idea what she was eating before the surgery. Remember, I met her that day.”

“Not my field.” He opened his hands. “Take her to a pediatrician. I’ll see her in two months to check her heart.”

“Thank you, Cody.” She set Annabelle in her stroller and pushed it to the door.

“Bye, ladies. I’ll call you, Claudia.”

They strolled to the elevator. Claudia remained silent, a small, satisfied smile lingering on her lips.

Once in the car buckled into their seats, Claudia started the engine. “I think it may work, Arianna.”

“Keep me informed and call me if you need help.”

“I think I would rather call Cody.”

“He’s all yours.”

Claudia dropped them off but refused to come upstairs. Arianna was in a rush to feed Annabelle and schedule an appointment with a pediatrician. She found Rafael waiting for them in her condo. “So sorry, I completely forgot about the visit to the surgeon. How did you manage on your own?” he asked once he’d thoroughly kissed her.

“We had a ride.” She told him about Claudia’s visit, their time at the doctor, and Nancy’s first day of work.

“Very productive day.” He chuckled. “Let’s see, you’ve provided Annabelle with a nanny, Claudia with a date, and me with a stress-free Saturday evening.”

“And now I’d better provide Annabelle with a bottle before she starts screaming.”

“I’ll warm the bottle. You change her.” Rafael hadn’t volunteered to change the baby yet. “So, can I count on my favorite flight nurse on Monday?”

“Yes, Captain Lopez. I can’t wait to fly again.”

They had a lovely meal Saturday night in a restaurant on the bay and when they returned home, Rafael decided it would be more convenient for theirfamilyto spend the night in his more spacious condo.

Arianna prepared a bag with a stock of diapers and bottles to leave at his place and replenish regularly. In the morning, she and Annabelle returned to her condo. Nancy arrived early enough to take care of Annabelle while Arianna got ready for work.

The caseworker visited a week later around three, met with Nancy, and declared that Annabelle’s foster parents were doing a great job.


“Do you think I’ll be able to adopt her?” Arianna asked three months later when Josie arrived for her third inspection. She was eager to keep the child she’d grown to love.

“I have no idea. The father’s out of jail. Apparently, he went to see her at the clinic in Everglades, then stopped by the CPS office. They informed him that Annabelle was in a foster home.”

“Did they give him our name?”

“Yes, they gave your name. If he wants to see his child he has to contact us first. He said he was happy his daughter was in good hands. He can’t take care of a child now.”

“And later?”

“I don’t know about later. I’m sorry,” Josie said, her eyes filled with compassion.

“I wish we could adopt her.”

Rafael wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “We’ll take it one day at a time.”