Page 64 of Rescue Plans

The new nanny pushed the stroller to the elevator and the outdoor parking lot, helped them transfer the car seat to Claudia’s SUV, and buckled in the baby.

“See you tomorrow, pumpkin.” Nancy kissed her on the cheek, and Annabelle giggled.

A short while later, Claudia dropped Arianna, the baby, and the stroller in front of the hospital and went to park her car. Arianna unfolded the stroller, put Annabelle in it, and pushed her back and forth on the sidewalk, waiting for her friend to return.

In contrast to Claudia, Arianna had chosen to wear a pair of jeans and a wide shirt to keep Cody’s attention away from her and on her friend. As they headed toward the elevator, she warned, “Be careful and don’t babble too much. Cody prefers women who are hard-to-get.”

“I am who I am,” Claudia protested as they stepped into the elevator. “If he doesn’t like me, he can go to hell.”

“Hum, hmm.” Arianna’s jaw sagged at the sight of Cody, in the corner of the cabin, struggling to contain his laughter.

“I can’t stand men who think the world of themselves,” Claudia continued, not paying attention to Arianna’s winks and lips pursing.

“Even if handsome, smart, or wealthy, they can go to hell as far as I’m concerned if all they care about is their precious egocentric selves.”

Geez, there’d been no way to interrupt her friend without embarrassing herself.

“Hi, Arianna.” Cody’s amused voice covered Claudia’s grumbling. “How’s the baby?”

“Huh, she’s good.”

They strode to his office, Claudia trailing behind silently, now that she’d realized her blunder. He opened a door and held it for them, his gaze wandering over Claudia’s svelte figure.

“Ah, Cody, this is my friend Claudia Gail. She was kind enough to drive us here since Rafael is working. Claudia, Dr. Cody Mason, the surgeon who operated on Annabelle.”

“Hi, Dr. Mason.” Claudia held out a hand and flashed a radiant smile.

Cody’s face broke into a big grin.

Bang, bang, bang. First salvo right on target.

“You look familiar, Claudia,” he blurted, a favorite opening, and proof that he liked what he saw. He shook her well-manicured hand.

Arianna shrugged. “Claudia and I were in nursing school together when you were a resident.”

“No wonder I thought I recognized you. Where do you work now?”

Rolling her eyes, Arianna bent to pick up her baby.

“Mercy Hospital.”

“I must have seen you there.”

“I’ve undressed the baby,” Arianna interjected.

“All right. Let’s have a look.” He examined Annabelle and declared himself satisfied with the healing. “You’re doing a great job, Arianna. I bet she’s keeping you busy. You can dress her now.”

“Very busy.” She slipped the baby back into her clothes.

“Too bad. There’s a fundraising ball in a week. The hospital is recruiting young women to play hostess at the reception. Claudia, would you be interested?”


“Great. Here’s my card. Give me a call. I’ll get you a brochure with the details.”

Claudia reciprocated, handing him her card.

Hello there.Don’t forget the baby. Arianna was delighted her matchmaking was working, but she had a few questions aboutherchild and didn’t hesitate to interrupt their cozy exchange.