Page 63 of Rescue Plans

“You see, she’s learning good manners. In her swing during our dinner and in bed at seven-thirty so Mommy and Daddy can relax, too.”

“Great. Does that mean we can finally...” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Not in front of the baby.”

“We’ll move her bed to the living room. Babe, it’s been a week. I’m in misery.”

She burst out laughing at his whining tone. “I know. I miss you, too.”

After dinner, they gave Annabelle her nightly bath. Rafael wrapped her in her big towel and played with her, then Arianna slipped on her onesie and gave her a last bottle before putting her to bed, singing a lullaby. When they were sure she was deeply asleep, Rafael slowly pushed her bed into the living room and dragged Arianna to bed.

“Shh, quietly,” she said.

“And you, don’t be loud.” They chuckled, shed their clothes, and slipped under the blanket.

“So good to be in your arms again, Rafael.”

“Hmm, so good, so, so good, babe.”

They were both in a cheerful mood in the morning. Rafael hugged Annabelle and kissed Arianna. “See you tonight, babe.” He hurried to his condo to shower and change.

Arianna changed and dressed the baby, brought her swing to the bathroom, and let her play with a toy while she showered and slipped on her shorts and a T-shirt.

So far, she’d fed Annabelle only formula, as recommended after her surgery. Today, she would ask the doctor if she could start her on baby food.

Arianna was finishing her cereal when her phone rang and security announced Mrs. Nancy Gordon. “Send her up.”

Quickly, she cleared the table and opened the door to the babysitter.

Arianna shook hands with the plump, smiling woman and knew right away they would get along. Nancy walked to the swing and offered Annabelle a musical ball and a big smile, winning the baby’s heart at first glance. “Would you like coffee, Nancy?”

“Yes, please. I’ll watch how you use your machine.” Nancy picked up the baby from her swing, cooing to her. “She’s adorable, such a congenial baby.”

“It looks like she didn’t get her share of affection as an infant. I’m trying to make it up to her,” Arianna explained.

“We’ll make sure she receives a hundred kisses and hugs a day,” Nancy promised. “I’m in need of affection, too. We’ll help each other.” She looked down at the baby in her arms with longing. “Can we sit on the balcony? The fresh air will help her sleep better.”

The woman knew more about babies than she did.

“Of course. I’ll bring the coffee and a bottle for Annabelle.”

They sipped their coffee and chatted, Nancy asking questions about the baby’s background and habits. Arianna explained the situation, talked about her unusual job, and her expectations, as Nancy finished her coffee and gave the baby her bottle. Soon Annabelle dozed off in her arms.

Satisfied to have found an ideal nanny for her baby, Arianna moved the sleeping infant into her crib and showed Nancy around the small condo, particularly the kitchen.

Claudia arrived at one and gave a round of hugs. “Ready to go, girls?”

“Yes. Annabelle’s eaten and been changed. Look at you, Claudia, as fresh as a sunflower.”

Determined to make a good impression, her friend had followed her advice and had donned a short, eye-catching, orange and yellow print dress.

Tossing a smile at the baby fretting in her stroller, Nancy suggested, “I can come tomorrow, if you need me.”

“I’m not working on Saturday.”

“Maybe in the evening if you want to go out.”

“Seriously?” Going on a date with Rafael would be wonderful. He would certainly appreciate the adult time. “That would be great. Thank you, Nancy.”