Page 60 of Rescue Plans

“It’s okay, babe,” Rafael reassured the new mommy. “She needs time to adjust to our environment. You feed her and see if she’ll sleep. I’ll put the stuff away and make us lunch.”

Annabelle was determined not to lose the loving arms she’d recently found, and loudly complained every time her butt touched a bed. “Okay, sweetie pie, you can stay with me while I eat.”

By the end of the day, they were both exhausted.

“It looks like she’s decided to stay in my arms during the day, and go to sleep in her bed at night.”

“At least one good habit,” Rafael grumbled.

“I’m ready to hit the sack, too.” Arianna collapsed onto her bed.

“Okay. Night, babe.” He kissed her closed eyes, his skull rumbling with a huge headache.

For a change, no passionate kisses, no love making, no drink with dinner. “Welcome home, dear Annabelle.”

Three days later, Rafael decided that a good father should handle the education of his daughter and teach her to respect her parents’ need for privacy.

Dealing with a know-it-all but secretly afraid of heights Barbara as his flight nurse during the day, and Arianna who’d tacitly accepted his exile from her bed, Rafael felt his mood souring.

“Arianna, I need you back at work,” he started with his Captain Lopez’s only master-on-board tone. “A week vacation is more than enough.”

“What? And the baby? Can I bring her to work?”

“Absolutely not. Find her a babysitter.”

“What if Josie finds out and gets upset?”

“Josie knows you’re a working woman, an indispensable flight nurse. Find a good babysitter. Unless you’re ready to submit your resignation and become a stay-at-home mommy.”

“What? No. Never.”