Page 57 of Rescue Plans

“What a lovely sight,” a woman said from the doorway. “Can I come in? I’m Josie Robb, the CPS caseworker for Annabelle.

“Of course. Please come in.”

“Are you the nurse on duty?”

“Nope. I’m a nurse, but a visitor. Arianna Garcia. I’m the flight nurse who picked her up from the clinic in Everglades City and flew with her to this hospital.”

“Ah, Dr. Amoon told me about you. You’re the person who made such a big fuss and insisted on bringing the child here. Are you related?”


“Do you mind if I ask why you’re so interested in her?”

Arianna didn’t hesitate. “Twelve years ago, I lost my five-month-old baby girl. I was nineteen. She was sick, and I couldn’t reach a doctor in time during Hurricane Wilma. I promised myself I would do everything I could to save Annabelle.”

“Dr. Cody Mason told me she’ll need a lot of care and continuous monitoring.”

“Yes, I know.”

“I’m trying to find her foster parents. Are you interested, Ms. Garcia?”

“Very much so.” She smiled at the baby dozing in her arms.

“Are you married?”

“Seriously involved with a wonderful man who’s encouraging me to apply to be Annabelle’s foster mom.”

“Is it possible for me to meet him?”

“Yes, of course.” Arianna grinned. “If you can wait a bit, he’ll be here soon.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” The caseworker started a thorough interrogation about Arianna’s job, her home, her habits, her preferred entertainment...

“May I come in?”

Rafael’s request stopped the questions and warmed Arianna’s heart. With him by her side, the CPS interview would be a success.

“How are you, sweetheart?” He walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. “And how’s our baby?”

Hiding her surprise at the endearment, she smiled. “She’s doing better and better. Rafael, we have a visitor. This is Ms. Josie Robb from CPS. My boyfriend, Captain Rafael Lopez.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Robb.” Rafael flashed his megawatt smile. “Do you see how well Annabelle is improving? Dr. Mason did a great job, and Arianna’s care is a big part of the child’s recovery.”

“Do you two live together?”

“We’re neighbors in the same building.”

“How convenient.”

“Very convenient. If you need to visit our living quarters, I would be happy to give you a tour. We each have our own condo until we make our situation official and move in together.”

“Are you planning to...huh...”

“Of course, but I need this young lady to choose a ring that suits her tastes. I’m not good with flowery words. I do much better with actions. Not sure whether or not women appreciate that.” He bobbed his head left and right and tossed a knowing glance in Arianna’s direction.

A ring. Arianna winced, froze, and focused her attention on the baby in her arms.

“Captain Lopez, I can guarantee you that smart women appreciate a man of action. Right, Ms. Garcia?”