Page 55 of Rescue Plans

“So?” Fed up with his attempts at regaining her trust, she glared at him. “We never dated. Not a single time.”

“We didn’t need to. We were together a lot, working at the clinic, eating at the cafeteria, and...”

“And sleeping together in unoccupied examination rooms. How convenient for you, Cody. I was at your beck and call. Things have changed. And I’ve changed. Now, I live my way. I don’t take orders, and I don’t accept suggestions, and I reject unsolicited advice and opinions,” she uttered between pursed lips.

He stared at her as if she’d developed a horn on her forehead and shook his head.

“All right, I won’t mention the past.”

“Much better,” she hissed. “I’m here for a short time, and I would like to cozy up to this baby in memory of my own daughter.”

“I understand. Besides, she seems to like your touch.”

“You think so?” Arianna glanced at him. Had he finally given up on the sappy memories? She resumed her gentle caress of the baby’s cheek and was rewarded with another smile. “Oh sweetie pie, you’re so cute.”

“I’ll get you a chair.”

He left and returned with one which he set next to the bassinet.

Arianna sat and continued her attention to the little cheeks. “Keep smiling, baby girl. Tomorrow, you’ll be better.” She reached for the baby’s hand and enfolded it protectively.

“Keep coddling her. It’ll help. I have to go now.”

“Cody, thank you. I’m glad I brought her here. You’re an excellent doctor. Not sure anyone else could’ve saved her. See you tomorrow.”

“Take care, Arianna.” He left, and she released a sigh of relief. She spent an hour, cooing to the baby and caressing her cheeks, chest, and legs, helping her feel a loving connection, until the baby drifted off again.

Soon the nurse returned and studied the monitor. “Wow, the BP and pulse are almost normal. Arianna, I hope you’re coming back tomorrow.”

“I am.” Her heart bursting with joy, Arianna flashed a happy smile that lingered on her lips until she joined Rafael in the cafeteria.

“I bet you have good news.”

She told him about her time with Annabelle and Cody.

“Why don’t you come tomorrow morning? Your presence helps her.”

“And work?”

“You’re entitled to a day off after almost six months. If we have an emergency, I’ll take Barbara and try to cope with her.”

“Thank you, Rafael. Let’s go home.”

She couldn’t wait to be alone with the man who was doing everything to make her happy...everything except proposing.