Page 52 of Rescue Plans

“How old where you?”

“Eighteen. I was in my first year of nursing school. I was on scholarship.”

“Who’s the father—”

“Julio. We lived in Abuela’s small house. When I refused to have an abortion, he left. I continued to go to college and studied, worked a few hours, and somehow managed. Julio came back after the delivery and stayed for a month. He was nice to me and seemed happy to be a dad, but then he disappeared again. The neighbors helped, and we survived, Annie and me. Two days before Hurricane Wilma, I got sick, and Annie developed a fever. The city ordered an evacuation. I panicked and called Julio to take us to a doctor.”

“Did he come?”

“Yes, but he drove straight to a friend’s house, a good buddy who had enough weed to forget the bad weather. Annie got worse, her breathing difficult. I begged him to drive us to a hospital or a doctor.”

Arianna stared into space, reliving the horrible moment. Anxiety trickled through her words and gnawed at Rafael’s heart. He tightened his hold.

“He drove you, but it was too late,” he said, assuming the logical response to her desperate request.

“No, he said he wasn’t crazy enough to go out in this weather and refused to give me the car keys. Besides that, he was high most of the time. I had no choice. Annie badly needed a doctor. I wrapped her in a blanket and carried her under my raincoat. My umbrella flew away a few minutes after I started running in the pouring rain.”

“Oh God, what happened?”

“A patrol officer found us, trudging, soaking wet, and drove us to Dr. Mason’s clinic. It was too late for the baby.” Arianna sobbed against his chest. Stroking her back, he pulled her on his lap and held her, sharing her pain.

Finally her crying subsided. She raised her head. “I wanted to tell you months ago, but I couldn’t. I’ve been trying to forget it for years, but I can’t.”

“We’ll never forget, but maybe we can find peace.”

Their common anguish bonded them more strongly than words.

“I thought I’d found peace, until someone or something reminded me of her.”

“Like Cody?” Rafael spat, resenting the surgeon for his past and present behavior.

She shook her head. “More like Annabelle. When I saw her struggling to stay alive, when I heard her wheezing, I remembered Annie. As I held her, I talked to her as if she weremybaby.”

“I noticed you were moved by her situation, but I couldn’t understand why until Cody blurted out your secret.”

“Rafael, I promised myself something.” She locked her fingers behind his nape. “If Annabelle recovers...”

Guessing her thought, he smiled. “You want to keep her, right?”

“D’ you think I would be able to?”

“Of course. I suggest you take it one step at a time. First, we’ll apply to foster her and prove we can take good care of her.”

“Rafael, you’re the best. I love you.” She smacked her lips on his.

Delighted with her eagerness, he deepened their kiss, scorching her with his passion, molding their lips together, joining their tongues in a happy dance. When they came up for air, she whispered against his cheek.

“Rafael, I love you. Don’t be upset.”

He jerked back and cradled her face.

“Upset? Are you crazy? Why would I be upset?”

“I said I love you.” She met his gaze. “You don’t like those words. You don’t do commitment. Me, too, but I didn’t do it on purpose. I fell in love with you months ago and did my best not to utter the wrong words. Until now.”

He kissed her parted lips. “They’re the right words at the right time. I love you, too, Arianna.” He caressed her cheek. “Besides, if we didn’t love each other, I don’t think we would’ve lasted five days together, let alone five months. I think this is the best commitment.”

He nibbled at her throat with quivering soft bites. “Do you want to make it official?”