Page 5 of Rescue Plans

His fingers firm and determined, Captain Lopez started by opening the throttle completely to increase the speed of the rotor. Gripping the cyclic in one hand, and the collective in the other, he worked both simultaneously during takeoff. At the same time, his feet operated the foot pedals controlling the tail rotor, which allowed the helicopter to rotate in either direction on its horizontal axis. Soon, the aircraft got light on its skids and slowly left the ground.

Captain Lopez eased up on the forward cyclic pressure. The aircraft climbed and gained airspeed, and he played with the pedals to trim the aircraft.

Her hands folded in her lap, Arianna admired his skill and dexterity.

He gripped the cyclic and nudged the helicopter forward.

“Are you okay?” he called into his mike.


She relaxed against the back of her chair and enjoyed the view of Miami’s high-rises, scenic Key Biscayne, and the ocean expanding on the horizon. Not bad for a test.

The helicopter dropped suddenly, and her stomach plummeted in response. Maybe she shouldn’t have rushed to feel comfortable. The real test was about to begin. The copter rose again and dropped once more. Captain Lopez was crazier than she’d imagined and incredibly skilled. She slipped her hand inside her windbreaker and touched her pocket.Be with me, Mom.

The copter stabilized for ten minutes and then the roller coaster resumed. “Okay in the back?”

She glanced through the window. They were flying over the ocean, under a sky spotted with clouds. “Okay,” she shouted in a cheerful voice.

Captain Lopez threw a glance over his shoulder. “Ready for more?”

“Go ahead.”

He spoke into his radio and suddenly zoomed into a cloud. For a few seconds, everything was white around her, until they emerged into a sunny sky above the clouds. He reduced speed and floated above the white carpet.

“Going down,” he announced.

The man loved a challenge. He’d just proven he deserved one of his nicknames.Captain No Fearwas playing with fire, but by now she trusted him implicitly.

“Go,” she screamed.

This was more fun than the roller coaster rides she’d enjoyed in her teens. She couldn’t help laughing as she remembered her senior class friends and their screams during their crazy rides on the Beast, and the hysterical kisses that had followed after the ride ended. Count on fear to play the aphrodisiac. Too bad she and her pilot had passed that age.

Captain Lopez increased his speed. Arianna studied the strong fingers grasping the commands, keeping them under control like obedient or faithful slaves. A lover who knew what pleased his partner, an expert who could obtain the perfect response. Was he worthy of his other nicknames,Captain Charmer or Captain Heartbreaker?

Once more, the copter whizzed through the cocoon of clouds and emerged triumphantly. The pilot decreased the airspeed.

“Heading to SAMF airport.”

As they approached the edge of the landing strip, he slowed, armed the parking brake, and reduced the momentum, keeping the rate of descent slow and smooth, until they made contact with the ground.

“Bravo.” Satisfied with herself for not betraying any emotional reactions, Arianna sighed with relief and clapped hands as he reduced all power and pulled his medal off the board.

He removed his helmet and turned toward her, studying her face. “Not too scared?”

“Nope. Did I pass the test?”

“With flying colors. You can sign the papers for the job offer.”

“As soon as I get home.”

Delighted to see her dream about to materialize, she smiled and took off her helmet as he opened the door and jumped out. She followed, pleased to feel the solid ground under her feet. He held her shoulders, halting her.

“Your first impression?”

“Crazy, exciting, exhilarating.”

He chuckled. “Not scared?”