Page 45 of Rescue Plans

“Think about how you could help so many more pediatric patients with your talents, your knowledge, and the sweet way you handle kids.”


Rafael cracked his knuckles, wishing he could snap the old goat’s neck. How dare the arrogant doctor try to steal his flight nurse away? He and his son had practically thrown her into the streets when she’d badly needed their support.

“I’ve worked in pediatrics, in the ER, and now as a flight nurse. I like it the best.” Arianna’s glance and smile calmed his worry.

Dr. Mason opened his hands. “If you’re enjoying your job, I rest my case.” He tapped an icon on his phone. “Claire, what’s going on with the baby Dr. Cody received?... Okay... How long?... Thank you.” He ended the call. “The MRI showed valve failure. Cody’s started valve replacement. They’ll be in surgery for two to three hours. Let’s go to the doctors’ break room and have a bite.” A congenial smile replaced the professional expression. “We have so much to talk about.”

Unable to cope with more false friendly reminiscences, Rafael reached for Arianna’s dangling hand and squeezed it. “We should go home and rest for a while, sweetheart. We’ll be back here in two hours.”

Dr. Mason’s head jerked up. Apparently, he hadn’t missed the unexpected endearment.

Neither had Arianna. Rafael caught her stunned gaze and held it. He glimpsed her smile before she managed to suppress it and nodded.

“Yes, I can use a shower and a change of clothes.”

“You can go, Captain Lopez.” The doctor’s tone had cooled ten degrees. “I’ll be happy to drive her home.”

“Thank you, but no need, Dr. Mason. Rafael and I live together. Besides, my mission isn’t finished until I return to base and file my report. We’ll be back in less than two hours to talk to Dr. Cody and check on the baby.”

“As you wish. See you later.”

When they walked to the helipad, Arianna tilted her chin up. “Are we official now? Or was thatsweetheartjust for the show?”

He couldn’t help chuckling at her sarcastic tone. “Haven’t we been official for several months now? I mean we don’t hide it, and we’re practically together all the time. And you know you’re my only sweetheart, right?”

She didn’t answer, but her lips thinned with irritation.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s talk about it tonight.”

“All right.”

He pulled out his phone to call Leo and found him waiting next to the copter. “Good timing, bud. All aboard. We’re heading to SAMF.”

Rafael couldn’t wait to get back to his condo, take a hot shower, and forget the stress of the day.

“I’ll pick you up in an hour,” he said, stepping out of the elevator at his floor.

When she opened the door a while later, he backed up to get a better view, grinning in admiration. “You’re stunning... Damn it.” His grin morphed into a grimace.

“Make up your mind. Good or bad?”

“Good, fantastic, but bad, terrible—if it’s for this doctor.” His eyes roved over the scoop neck, sleeveless, navy and blue printed, tightly fitting short dress, her shapely tanned legs, in navy wedged sandals matching the designer handbag strapped to her shoulder, and her dark hair cascading down her back and curling on her shoulders.

“Hey, I’m always nicely put together when I’m with you.”

“That’s true.” For the last five months, shopping had become her number one hobby, and she’d surprised him every week with a new outfit, as if she was trying to make up for the years wasted in cheap clothes. “I’m always proud to be by your side, but tonight—”

“Thank you, Rafael.” She laced her fingers behind his neck and kissed him. “No need to be jealous. You’re the one and only man in my life. You know we belong to each other, body and soul.”

He returned her kiss, and deepened it, hoping to brand her with his passion, before he met the competition. Damn it! He had no doubt the brilliant surgeon would soon be drooling at the sight of the young woman he’d deemed not good enough for him in the past.

How about yourself, Rafael Lopez? You’ve avoided been shackled like the plague.

Hmm, he’d been more faithful to her than to anyone else,body and soul. Maybe it was time to reconsider his philosophy about love and commitment, before someone snatched her with empty promises.

Giving a condemned man’s sigh, he said, “Let’s go see the baby.”