Page 43 of Rescue Plans

“No, this baby has been here for several days. We realized she wasn’t doing well whimpering a lot and hardly moving. We did our duty and called the doctor. Dr. Amoon said the baby should be seen by a cardiologist and might need surgery, and he called SAMF to airlift her to Miami. But this baby is under CPS care. The caseworker was supposed to come in today and decide her fate. I’ll lose my job if I let you take her without CPS approval.”

Arianna fisted her hands and fought not to scream. The whole situation revolted her. “Can I see the baby?”

“Sure. We’ve put her in isolation. Last room on the left. Meanwhile, I’ll keep calling the CPS office, although it looks like no one’s there,” she grumbled. “What a day.”

Rushing along the corridor to the last room on the left, Arianna froze at the door, transported back ten years, the difficult panting echoing in her heart with the whimpering of another baby. “Annabelle, baby. I won’t let you die,” she whispered and walked to the crib where an emaciated infant was struggling to breathe. “Oh God, they’ve left her without any medical support.” She turned to the paramedic. “Leo, please run to the helicopter. Get me the pediatric bag, oxygen, an IV pole, and the bassinet. If we don’t help her, she won’t last the night.”

Biting her lip to control her anger, she focused on the baby, assessing her heavy breathing and pale skin. Remembering her own baby, Annie, Arianna caressed the livid cheek and gasped when the baby moved to cuddle against her hand.

“Poor sweetie, you’re starving for affection.”

“Here’s the stuff.” Leo returned with Rafael on his tail.

“Leo explained the situation. I’ll file a complaint.”

“Helping the baby is more urgent. I’ll change her first.” Arianna removed the soiled diaper, cleaned and powdered the reddish butt, put on a new onesie, and wrapped the infant in a clean blanket. “Now that you’re clean, we’ll check your vitals.” She recorded the baby’s temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate, and then pumped oxygen into the baby’s lungs and watched the discoloration recede.

“Feeling better, Annabelle? You must be dehydrated. Leo, hang an IV bag on the pole.”

She picked up the baby, hugged her for a few seconds, and smiled as the child snuggled her head against her breast. “Are you hungry, sweetie? Rafael, there’s a bottle in the bag. Please, find a sink and warm it under hot water.”

He nodded and grabbed a bottle.

“I’m sorry, sweetie, I’ll hurt you for a second.” Arianna placed her in the bassinet. “Leo, hold her still.” Swiftly, she inserted the needle into Annabelle’s hand and taped it in place, as the baby screamed. “All set. You deserve a hug.”

Careful not to disturb the IV line connected to the bag of fluid, Arianna gently picked up the baby and settled into the only chair in the room. “I’ll make you feel better, sweetie.” Through her own motherly experience and work at Dr. Mason’s clinic, she’d learned that holding an infant might ease its stress.

“Here’s the bottle.”

“Thanks. We’ll see if she’s hungry.” Annabelle latched onto the nipple and sucked like a starved puppy for a few minutes, then dozed off, exhausted by her efforts.

“Arianna, we need to get back,” Rafael reminded her.

“I know. Go see if the CPS worker has returned the calls.”

Leo left with Rafael, and Arianna smiled at the baby in her arms.

“I forgot how wonderful it feels to hold a baby. You’re as pretty as my Annie. I couldn’t save her, but I promise I’ll do everything I can to save you, sweetie. If only I could keep you.”

She blinked away the tears brimming in her eyes. She wouldn’t spoil the few moments she had with Annabelle by crying. She’d buried the past so deeply that no one could resurrect it now. Annie was gone, taking away Arianna’s motherly instincts forever, and yet this little Annabelle seemed in dire need of love and hugs. “Enjoy her while you can,” she urged herself.

Rafael and Leo were gone for almost an hour, not that Arianna was in any rush to leave. She wished she could spend the rest of the day with this sweet baby.

“All right, we’re leaving.” Rafael’s voice startled her.

“I’m not flying back without her.”

Rafael shrugged. “We’re taking her. I couldn’t reach CPS, but I managed to talk to the doctor who recommended the heart surgery. Dr. Amoon urged the head nurse to let her go and sent an email with his permission to take the baby to a cardiologist. Any treatment and surgery will be covered by Medicaid insurance for foster kids.”

“Good. She’ll have the best treatment without reservation.”

“I had to sign that I’ll bring her back here.”

Arianna sighed but abstained from commenting.

“We’re all set to go,” Rafael said, his tone brooked no discussion.

“Are we still flying her to Mercy hospital?”