Page 42 of Rescue Plans

Chapter Eleven

The closing on Arianna’s condo went off without a hitch. Rafael brought a cake and two dozen roses to celebrate their first dinner inhercondo.

Arianna started planning a minimal remodeling for after Thanksgiving, but for the time being, she was way too busy at work.

One October morning, Rafael received an emergency call from Everglades City concerning a six-month-old baby girl.

“Heart problems. Needs valve surgery,” Barbara explained when Arianna stopped by her office for a report on the patient’s condition. “She’s at a small clinic, under CPS care until she improves and is placed with foster parents. The mother died of an overdose. The father is serving a sentence. Arianna, you’d better check the pediatric supplies in the copter.”

While she inspected and refurbished the supplies needed for their baby patient, Rafael studied the weather forecast and discussed it with the air traffic controller on duty.

“We’ve got clearance to fly to Everglades City. We should leave immediately and be back by noon,” he announced when he joined her. “The weather is clear now but may deteriorate this evening. Are you ready?”

“I’m ready. I restocked the pediatric bags and even brought bottles in case we need them.”

Pushing a bassinet, Leo arrived at the copter. “Plenty of diapers in the storage cabinet beneath the basket.”

They climbed into the copter, checked their areas of responsibility, and took their seats. “Ready?” the pilot asked.

“Ready,” they answered, their headphones and seatbelts in place.

After a smooth flight, Rafael landed on the clinic’s lawn. “I’ll wait here. You two get the baby.”

Arianna and Leo headed to the reception desk. “EMT Leo Connor and Nurse Arianna Garcia from Safe Air Medical Fly.” He pointed at the badges on his uniform and Arianna’s. “We’re here with a helicopter to transport Baby Annabelle Bolt to Mercy Hospital. Is she ready?”

“Let me find out.” The woman called and waited on the phone.

Arianna and Leo exchanged a glance. Usually the patients to be airlifted waited at the closest point to the exit leading to the helicopter.

“No one’s answering. The nurses are busy.”

“The baby should have been here waiting for us.” Leo couldn’t hide a frustrated frown.

“I have nothing to do with this. I’ll try again.” Apparently, no one picked up the call. “Have a seat. I’ll go inside and talk to the nurse.” The receptionist disappeared behind a no-entry door. Fifteen minutes later she returned, shaking her head. “The head nurse will come to explain the situation shortly.”

“What situation?” Arianna asked.

“I have no idea, dear. She’ll tell you.”

A moment later, the receptionist’s phone rang, and the woman answered. “Okay... Okay. I’ll tell them. The head nurse said to bring you in.”

They jumped out of their chairs and followed her down a dark corridor to an office where a nurse typed on a laptop. “Have a seat, please. This is becoming a nightmare,” she grumbled without looking at them.

“We’re here on an emergency mission to pick up a baby who needs heart surgery stat. Where is the baby?”

“I know. I know.” She finally lifted her head. “By the way, I am Nurse Rosa Xavier. The doctor called you this morning because the poor thing is in bad shape and is having trouble breathing.”

Fuming, Arianna glared at the head nurse. “Where is the baby?”

“She’s in the nursery, but I can’t let you take her until the CPS caseworker arrives and signs the release papers. I haven’t managed to reach her yet.”

“Excuse me? You mean we flew here to pick up a baby in need of immediate surgery, but you won’t release her because you’re still waiting for a signature from a person you can’t reach?”

“Exactly. Isn’t it a shame?”

“I’ll tell you what’s a shame. If this baby dies, you’ll be responsible for her death,” Arianna exploded.

“Arianna, calm down. Let her explain. Rosa, can’t you sign the release?”