Page 37 of Rescue Plans

“How’s my young man doing?” The surgeon approached the bed and checked Craig’s vitals on the monitor. “No fever and BP is normal. Good. Any pain?”

“Here.” The boy touched his chest.

“It’ll go away in a few days.”

“That’s what the nice nurse said.” Craig pointed to Arianna.

“The nice nurse?” The doctor spun, his face brightening into a broad grin. “I’ll be damned. Arianna? Come here.” He opened his arms wide for a hug.

She came to him, a tentative smile on her face. “Good to see you, Dr. Mason.”

He hugged her and held her shoulders. “Yes, good to see you, Arianna. It’s been quite a few years. You’re still a good nurse I see.”

Eyebrows gathered into a frown, Rafael observed the exchange with interest.

Arianna didn’t seem thrilled with the surgeon’s amiability. “I’m a flight nurse now, after spending several years in the ER.”

“Good for you. If you ever need anything...” He handed her his card. “I hope we can stay in touch.”

“Yes, of course.”

Rafael noted her fake smile.

“Okay, Craig. Try to rest as much as you can, and I promise you won’t have to stay here long.” Dr. Mason ruffled the boy’s hair. “Good night. See you tomorrow.” He nodded his goodbyes and left.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Rafael narrowed his eyes. “Did you work with him?”

“He was my first mentor. I worked at his clinic for almost three years while studying for my nursing degree.”

“He’s a cardiac surgeon,” Joe said.

“I know. A pediatric cardiac surgeon. I started in pediatrics.”

“I knew you were a great nurse, Arianna.” Craig’s note of confidence made her smile.

“Thank you, Craig. We have to leave now, but we’ll be back. When you leave the hospital I’ll have you come to my apartment for dinner.”

“Arianna is the best cook in Miami,” Rafael boasted.

“Then we’ll come,” Joe said. “I appreciate your visit.”

Arianna hugged the young patient and his dad, and Rafael shook hands with them.

After they got home, Rafael went to his condo to change and then climbed the stairs up two flights to her studio. He knocked on the door.

“What’s for dinner tonight?”

She threw her arms around him, and he gave her a scorching kiss. “I missed you so much, Rafael. And I’m so sorry.”

“Shh, we won’t talk about the painful past. Now that you know, there’ll be times when I need to withdraw and be with the people I loved in my past.”

“I understand. I’ll respect your privacy.”

“Tell me, about this surgeon?”

“Herb Mason?”

“Yes, Dr. Mason. He was way too familiar for an employer, and you seemed none too pleased to meet him again.”