Page 32 of Rescue Plans

“Thanks Carl,” Arianna repeated, her voice too shaky for her own good.

“Arianna, don’t worry about the old phone.” Rafael shoved it into his pocket after they left Carl’s office. “Since all the stalker can see is the call log, I’ll take care of the calls while you look after the patient.”

“Do whatever you want. I would rather forget about him.”

When they arrived in Naples and landed in the backyard of a clinic, she left the copter and reported to the reception, and then she and Leo took care of their elderly patient.

Rafael didn’t mention the old phone again until later that day after Arianna had served dinner. He poured the red wine.

“Aren’t you curious to know who I called on your phone this afternoon?”

“Not really,” she shrugged, “but you’re dying to tell me.”

“Yes. You’ll be surprised to hear about your new acquaintances.” Pleased with himself, he grinned. “While you were busy bringing in and prepping your patient, I paced the sidewalk and called the owner of a bar on the seamy side of the city, the manager of a motel where you might go for an hour of pleasure, and the restaurant next door. That should give him something to think about.”

“Thank you for all you’re doing to protect me.”

Rafael noticed the moisture shrouding her eyes, and the few blinks she couldn’t hide. He drew her into his arms and kissed her temple.

“Things will improve, Arianna. You’re out of that nasty neighborhood. You have a good job, a nice apartment, and loyal friends now.”

“I should count my blessings, but I hope you don’t get hurt in the process.”

“You’re so sweet, babe, worrying about me. Come, let’s have a drink and forget these depressing thoughts.”

He brought her a drink, massaged her back, and became the perfect lover.


Over the next few weeks, they established their own routine. After work, they shopped together for groceries, and she cooked. They shared dinner, drinks, and wonderful nights in each other’s arms, but he always left during the night or at dawn.

In the morning, she would meet him at work and fly out with him on various missions or emergency calls.

Meanwhile, her old phone continued its bizarre tasks, with Rafael sending calls to the weirdest or nastiest places from Fort Pierce, Gainesville, Pensacola, and finally New Orleans where she’d never been. Apparently, Steve Carlson accepted the final chore, taking the phone on his plane, sending two calls, then shutting it down and throwing away the useless piece of garbage as per Rafael’s instructions.

“Now, your tormenter will assume you’re in New Orleans, cutting all ties with the past, and starting a new life.”

Enjoying a drink on Rafael’s lap, she refused to lend a single thought to her ex-boyfriend and rewarded her generous pilot with a searing kiss.

“Easy. Stop wriggling,” he admonished.

She laughed. As she felt him harden against her, she glided to the floor, kneeling in front of him.

During their last month of semi-cohabitation and sexual prowess, he’d taught her to be bold and uninhibited. She unzipped his shorts, shoved her hands into private territory, and cupped them around the hardness she’d learned to cherish.

“My turn to help you.” She took him in her mouth, sucking and licking.

He groaned and threw both arms forward to fondle her breasts.

When she moaned and panted, he growled, “Time to go to bed.” He pulled her head away from his body, stood, and scooped her up. Carrying her like a precious doll, he placed her on the bed for another round of lovemaking.

Sleeping in his arms every night had done wonders for her morale.

On Sunday, he gathered her against him with his usual greeting. “‘Morning, sleeping beauty.” Emotions whirled inside her heart when she realized he hadn’t left her side last night.

“Rafael, thank you for another beautiful night.”

“I enjoyed it, too.” He skimmed his index finger over her chin. “Arianna, I should warn you, I’m not a commitment guy. Don’t expect special declarations.”