Page 2 of Rescue Plans

“What? Who are...”

“I’m sorry.” Far from looking sorry, she laughed. “I know I shouldn’t be here, but it’s the only place to observe a helicopter landing. I’ve been waiting two hours huddled in this corner.”

“Do you work in the hospital?”


Intrigued, he crossed his arms over his chest, not ready yet to forgive her for breaking the rules. “Why are you so interested in helicopters and landings?”

“I’m learning to fly these birds. My trainer said you’re the best pilot on the East Coast.”

“D’you expect flattery to get you off the hook?”

“Don’t be so stuffy.” Her blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “I already said I was sorry. Would it help if I promised not to do it again?”

He arched his eyebrows and led her to the exit door. “The door to the roof is always locked. Who let you in?” He unlocked the door and followed her into the hallway.

“I can’t remember,” she said, her voice sober as she entered the elevator. “But I’m ready to answer any questions you may have regarding my curiosity,” she ended with a captivating smile that knocked the air out of him. If she kept looking at him with the same delightful pout, he might forget the regulations and his previous annoyance.

He tapped the elevator button. “First question. Name and job?”

She chuckled. “Actually, those are two questions. I’m Arianna Garcia, an ER nurse who knows how to pilot a copter—even if my technique is rudimentary compared to yours.”

“Interesting.” A nurse with a high dose of determination and a lot of guts. One who had the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen, the color of the blue irises his mama planted in her small yard in South Florida. “You still have to explain why you sat for two hours waiting for my copter to land.”

She tilted her head and met his gaze. “I’ve applied to be a flight nurse at Safe Air Medical Fly.”

“SAMF? I’ll be damned.” She would work for his company and possibly fly with him.

“They told me you were in charge of training. Before accepting their offer, I wanted to observe your skills firsthand.”

The elevator stopped. They exited and walked along the hallway to the lobby.

“And now that you have?”

“I’m ready to sign the contract and fly with you.”

“Seriously?” He shrugged. Martha had dealt him enough disappointment for the day. She, too, had been convinced she could cope with a difficult flight and then caved when they’d met harsh conditions. From now on, he would be cautious about his flying companions. “What makes you so sureIwill accept you?”

Arianna paused and grabbed his arm. “Don’t say that. Flying to rescue patients is my dream.” Her eyes brimmed with passion and excitement. “As you train me, you’ll realize I’m an experienced nurse. I can be a good flight companion and even a co-pilot when needed.”

He twitched his mouth, suppressing his grin. Oh yes, he would bet she would be good at everything she’d set her heart on doing. “Before I bother with training a new comer, I like to test her attitude in hard conditions.” He hadn’t done it so far—big mistake—but this would be a rule he would implement from now on.

“By all means.” She raised her chin. “I’m ready to take your test any time.” Her lips thinned, lending a resolute expression to her face.

He narrowed his eyes, considering her. She was a pretty woman, the kind he wouldn’t mind inviting to dinner, but accepting her on a flight was a different ball game.

“Captain Lopez, don’t judge before checking the facts,” she said firmly. “When and where would you like me to take your test?” Her crisp and clear request convinced him to give her a chance.

A grumbling in his stomach reminded him he needed to eat.

“Meet me here in the lobby at four o’clock. We’re going up in the copter.” He pointed to the tanned legs he wouldn’t mind caressing and wrapping around him. “No shorts allowed.”

Her eyes glittered, and she punched the air with a fist. “Yes. Thank you for the opportunity, Captain Lopez.”

Feisty young woman. Even if she flunked his test, he would make it up to her—and to himself—later in the evening.