Page 12 of Rescue Plans

Chapter Four

Her mind reeling from Rafael’s kiss and attention, Arianna had trouble concentrating on her driving. What a day, and what an evening. Luckily, Highway 95 wasn’t too busy after nine. She exited onto Sunrise and turned to the left, heading west until she reached her complex, where ten matchbox buildings without elevators each hosted twelve apartments per floor.

Four people had been killed in this complex. She always carried a can of pepper spray and watched her back when walking from her parking spot to her building, especially at night. Her one bedroom was sandwiched between the laundry room and the stairs. Climbing to the third floor was part of her daily exercise.

She unlocked the door, switched on the light, and carefully locked up behind her, lowering the metal bar she’d installed across the door for extra security. After dropping her gym bag onto a chair, she opened it, dug out her tablet, changed into her pj shorts and top, and made herself a cup of herbal tea. It was time to read the contract SAMF had emailed her and carefully evaluate each line.

The flexible work hours suited her, even when mixed with perilous flights at Captain Lopez’s side. After this evening’s experience, she trusted the self-confident pilot and would bet he wouldn’t hesitate to offer her a most comforting reward after each crazy mission. She continued studying the other items, three regular days and two long shifts a week, emergency overtime pay, a two-week vacation, and the part she appreciated the most, an excellent insurance policy. What more could she ask for?

In addition, SAMF offered a substantial increase over her current salary at St. Jude Hospital. Despite Rafael’s advice, she wouldn’t bargain for more. The new pay would allow her to cover the rent for the studio apartment and save for the future. Maybe next year, when she’d proven herself indispensable, she could bargain for a raise. For now, she was too eager to secure her new job and get out of this rough neighborhood.

As she sipped her hot tea, she remembered the few words handwritten by her dying mother on the back of the holy image in her wallet.Don’t let anyone or anything control you. That image and the tiny picture in the golden heart she wore on a chain around her neck represented her meager inheritance from the young mother she had trouble visualizing.

Determined to change the direction of her life, Arianna filled in the information required and signed the contract.

Her phone vibrated, and her screen revealed Rafael’s grin.


“Yourhisounds much better than your whole conversation in the car.”

“I’m feeling better. I signed the contract.”

“Have you emailed it?”

“Not yet. I’ll do it right now… Sent.”

“Good for you.”

“Tomorrow morning, I’ll call Greg about the studio. I’ve decided to take it.”

“It’s a good deal. You’d better put me on hold and text Greg right now.”

Rafael was right. Such a luxurious studio, with an incredible view, at a bargain price, wouldn’t be on the market long. For years, she’d struggled to stand on her own two feet. Working as a flight nurse and moving away from the dump that had witnessed the most traumatic period of her life would help her forget the misery of her past and build her future.

“Okay, I’m putting you on hold.” She tapped Greg’s number and texted.

Hi Greg, I’m ready to rent the studio.

He texted back.

Can I send the contract now? I’m sorry to sound pushy, but I have another interested party who should call tomorrow morning.

Bummer! She wanted that studio.

Send it right away to[emailprotected]

She reconnected with Rafael. “Greg is sending me the contract. I’ll fill in the information and sign it, and then I’ll call you back.”

“Great. I’ll be waiting.”

She opened her tablet, downloaded the rental contract attached to the email, and read it slowly, analyzing every word. It was perfect, almost too good to be true. She surveyed the actual living quarters she’d managed to maintain tidy and spotless.

There wasn’t a lot to be said about the building, the dust and debris on the steps, the nauseating stench filtering from the dumpsters they emptied once a week, the spider webs in the corners of the stairs, the sticky spots on the ramp, and worst of all the rodents and roaches scurrying toward the light when she opened her door. Not to mention the shouts and screams of people fighting that permeated through the thin walls. Over the years, she’d learned to keep her voice as quiet as possible when talking on the phone.

Geez, she couldn’t wait to move out of this hole. She added her signature to the contract and emailed it back to Greg. A bleep alerted her to his response.

Received. Thank you. Can you stop by tomorrow morning at eight to pay the deposit and first month?