Page 73 of Sailing Away Plans

She surveyed the stove, oven, microwave, fridge, cabinets, and pantry. From the kitchen, they stepped into the entertainment and dining area, with its sofa, chairs, tables, television, and bar.

“If you go down those steps, you’ll find the other bedrooms.”

He opened a door, showing her a cabin with a large bed, wooden shelves alongside the bed, creating nightstands, and lights embedded in the ceiling and walls.

“This door leads to the shower, and this one to the toilet and sink.”

“And on the other side?”

“Your closet with hangers and shelves.”

“All I have are scrubs, shorts, tops, underwear, pjs, and bathing suits.” She carried the pile to a shelf. “I’ll change now.”

His gaze darkened. “I’ll help you.” He peeled off her shirt and unzipped her pants, lowering them to the floor. “I’ve missed you so much this past week.” He pulled her down onto the bed and covered her face with eager kisses.

“I’ve missed you, too.” She’d hardly been able to sleep with Cybil’s acerbic words needling her on and off.At Steve’s beck and call.

Right now, she didn’t mind being at his beck and call, enjoying his kisses, and returning his passion. He hadn’t stopped taking care of her, either before his children arrived or after they’d gone.

He removed his clothes, slipped away her bra and underwear, and lay next to her. Sensing her distraction, he peered at her face.

“You’re not here with me. How far away have you gone?”

“I’m sorry. It’s something that keeps popping into my mind.”

“Something that bothers you, and maybe threatens our time together. Share it with me, please.”

She blinked, hesitating.

“Are you going to let it ruin our relationship?”

“No, never.” The blood raced through her veins at the thought she could destroy their chances of happiness with crazy suspicions.

“Well then.” His tone had cooled, and her stomach squeezed with pain. “Will you trust me or not?”

“Hold me.”

He gathered her on top of his naked body, his manhood poking at her core. “You can feel how much I want you, how much I love you.”

“Okay, but promise me that after I tell you, you won’t resent anyone.”

“That’s a tough promise to make. I’ll resent anyone trying to separate us, but I won’t seek revenge, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

She pressed her cheek to his and repeated Cybil’s words.

“That’s all? What’s wrong with being at my beck and call? It’s a sign of love. I’m certainly at yours. Anything you want, I’ll gladly do.”

“Thank you, Steve.”

“Feeling better?”

“Yes. So much better.”

“Now be at my beck and call, and let me love you.”

He kneaded her breast and suckled on its hard tip. Soon, she forgot his relatives and their nasty wishes.

“I’m all yours.” She wrapped her fingers around his neck, licking his lips, molding their mouths together, twining her tongue with his.