Page 8 of Sailing Away Plans

Chapter Four

So far tonight, Lillian had avoided calling him by his title. For the first time, the formal name annoyed him. “A question? Sure, but start by calling me Steve.”

Her eyes widened. “But you’re my boss.”

“Not while we’re having dinner together.”

“Ah, okay, Dr. … huh… Dr. Steve.”

“Just Steve. Is that so difficult?”

“Well, yes, especially after fifteen years. Old habits die hard.”

“Try. Repeat after me. Yes, Steve. I’ll call you Steve.”

She chuckled and obeyed.

“Good, now go ahead with your question.”

“Why do you want to leave Cincinnati, your home, and your clinic? You could slow down and relax without running away.”

“Running away?” He frowned. Damn it, he wasn’t a selfish coward running away from duty. “Is that what you’re calling it?”

She nodded.

“Lillian, I’m not running away. It’s not my style. Let me try to explain. When Heather died seven years ago, I thought my life would stop—exactly like you did when you lost your husband. What was his name again?”

“Joe Haynes. Captain Haynes.”

“Oh yes.” How could he forget? “What was I saying?”

“After you lost your wife, you thought your life would stop,” she reminded him.

“Yes, but my kids, my work, and your support helped me survive. I recovered and found renewed energy to help my patients, enjoy my work, and my grownup children. Four years ago, my son Matt got married. I was thrilled and offered him a partnership.” Steve shook his head. “But it wasn’t meant to happen. He and his new wife moved to Texas to be closer to her parents. He gave me a German Shepherd puppyto console me.” He hissed the last two words through gritted teeth.

Lillian laughed, a lovely crystalline laugh that broke the tension. “Sorry, I… I remember the mayhem Max committed before he was trained.”

“How can I forget? I almost killed the disgusting, leaky puppy, but I managed to get the upper hand. I took him to obedience school, and he learned to behave.”

“He’s such a sweetheart and a fierce protector.” Of course Lillian would defend Max. Spending almost as much time with his pet as Steve did, she’d become Max’s beloved mommy.

“Life settled into some semblance of peace in my household,” Steve continued. “Until Royce, my youngest, dropped out of college in his third year, followed his Japanese girlfriend to the other side of the globe, and thought himself smart by giving me two kittens in an effort to be forgiven.”

“So that’s how you acquired the kittens. The poor things were terrified of Max’s heavy paws.” Lillian gifted him with another bout of laughter. “I had to put their bed on top of a cabinet in your garage to protect them.”

“When Stephanie married, the house was full of happiness once more, especially when she had the twins, but two years ago she moved to Georgia. She gave me a cruise ticket as her going away gift. That’s when I discovered St. John Island, a paradise on earth.”

“And now you’re lonely. That’s why you’re leaving.”

He shrugged. “I can’t spend my life waiting for the children to visit. One’s in Houston, the other’s in Atlanta, and the third’s in Tokyo. They seldom visit. Matt and his wife came for Christmas two years in a row, then stopped. His wife wants to spend the holidays with her family. That skunk Royce never returned from Japan where he lives with a local woman. I’ve got nothing that keeps me here. If people want to see me, they’ll come and visit me on St. John.”

“I understand, Steve.” She nodded, her eyes filled with compassion. “You’ve lived your whole life worrying about others—family, patients, and staff. You’re right. It’s time to shake off the stress and enjoy your freedom. I’m glad you’ll still be practicing on St. John. You’re too good a surgeon to quit. Too young.”

“Why, thank you, sweet Lillian.”

Holy shit, if they weren’t in a busy restaurant, he would pull her onto his lap and kiss her senseless to thank her for her understanding.

To thank her for hiding such an attractive woman under the white uniform.