Page 1 of Sailing Away Plans

Chapter One

Perched on the edge of his massive desk, Dr. Steve Winston surveyed his audience, noting the various expressions on the faces of his staff, everything from expectant and curious to reproving and stern.

Where were his diplomatic wits when he needed them? He hesitated and glanced at the paper in his hand. “I’ll be leaving on Friday for—”

“Not again?” the receptionist blurted from the doorway of the crowded office.

Steve arched his eyebrows, staring her down. “Any problem, Ms. Blake?”

“Huh … no.” The young woman’s face reddened. “Should I refer your patients to Dr. Randall as I did the last time you traveled?”

“Of course, Jennifer,” Heidi Commons retorted. “You should know this by now, considering that Dr. Winston has traveled eight times in the past year.”

“You kept count, Heidi?” he snapped.

“Someone had to,” she grumbled. The senior nurse hired by his father when Steve was a resident had stepped on his toes more than once to remind him of his own rules. He’d never gathered enough courage to fire her. Besides, the clinic would have collapsed without her iron hand.

“Do you still need me to go to your house, take care of Max, Wendy, and Mitzi, and water the plants?” Lillian Haynes asked, her voice shaky.

An efficient and dedicated nurse, Lillian had worked with him for the past fifteen years. At one time, she’d babysat his children and grandchildren. More recently, she’d transferred her affectionate care to his German Shepherd and two cats whenever he was away.

“Ladies, I’d prepared a speech, a very good one, to explain the situation, but you interrupted me at the first sentence. Believe me, I’m well aware I’ve burdened you with extra responsibilities, and I’m extremely grateful for the help you’ve given me.”

He opened a paper bag, dug out two envelopes, and handed them to his nurses. “Heidi and Lillian, these are for you. This place wouldn’t have survived without you two.” Both nurses reached for the envelopes and gaped, their eyes round in surprise. “Jennifer and Nancy, here’s a small token of my appreciation for your good work and continuous effort.” He offered his receptionist and his lab technician each a small box.

Exclamations of delight filled the office.

“Oh my God, gold earrings for me?” Jennifer squealed. “They’re so stylish.”

“I got a pair, too.” Nancy clasped her new gift to her ears. “Thank you so much, Dr. Winston. If you need a pet sitter, I’m ready at any time.”

“Me, too,” Jennifer said, hooping the gold loops on her ears. “I love them.”

“Cruise tickets for my husband and me?” Heidi squealed. “I can’t believe it. This is too much, Steve, but so appreciated. Thank you.”

Lillian hadn’t opened her envelope and kept watching him.

“Why now?” An anxious frown gathered on her forehead. “Are you trying to tell us something, Dr. Winston?” As usual, she’d guessed right.

“Yes, I do have some news. The gifts were supposed to come at the conclusion of my announcement, but anyhow…”

“Quiet, guys. We’re listening, Dr. Winston. Read your speech, or just tell us what it’s all about without sweetening the words,” she added, her concerned voice wobbly.

He heaved a deep breath and huffed. “I was hoping to live and die in this clinic.”

“Ah.” Silence hovered over the room, the audience expecting and dreading his announcement.

“I’m leaving this office… I mean I’m resigning my position.”

“No way.” The two words echoed in the room.

“Why?” Lillian asked, her hazel eyes clouding with alarm.

He tossed his hands into the air. “My kids are grownup. They have their own families and careers. Nothing keeps me here except the clinic, but I’m leaving it in good hands with Dr. Jason Randall in charge and our newly hired Dr. Samantha Shiran to second him.”

“What about us?” Heidi bellowed. “We’ve been working our tails off and practically living here for a lifetime. Don’t we count? You’re just abandoning us to their mercy, to be laid off, replaced, or demoted?”

As if anyone could demote Heidi without losing an eye or an arm first.