Page 12 of Sailing Away Plans

Her phone blipped.

“Dr. Winston?” Heidi asked, her voice ringing with eagerness.

“Yes. Going to his office.”

“Coming, too.”

“’Morning, ladies. I just returned from rounds at the hospital, checking on yesterday’s patients.” Steve’s gaze flitted from one to the other, as indifferent as always, and returned to his phone. Scrolling through his schedule, he noted, “We have a series of gall bladder ablations and appendectomies. Nothing major today. Heidi, you’re with me until eleven. Lillian, you take over after that. Don’t forget to check on the patients and bring me a report. Office visits at one. See ya.”

Ignoring them, he returned to the folder opened on his desk.

Dismissed, Lillian tossed a glance at Heidi, with an I-told-you-so lift of her eyebrows and left the boss’s office.

“So nothing major happened last night.” Heidi sounded so disappointed. “One dinner gone. Nine to go. Try not to waste them.”

“I’ll try not to. Fingers crossed.”

“All right. I won’t pester you anymore. I’m sure you’ll tell me if…if something good happens, won’t you?” she said, her voice anxious.

“I will, when I have something worthwhile to relate.”

The morning went by uneventfully. As she left the OR after the last appendectomy, Dr. Winston called, “Good job, Lillian. By the way,” his voice lowered a notch, and his eyes gleamed over the surgical mask. “My breakfast was delicious. Nothing beats chocolate cake with my morning coffee.”

“You’re welcome,” she mumbled.

“See you later. At six sharp.”

She couldn’t wait for the day shift to end.

At five-forty, almost ready in black leggings and a long sleeved, demure round necked, yellow and moss-green chiffon top reaching her hips, she finished brushing her hair, leaving it down, contoured her eyes with brown eyeliner, and applied a palette of gold shadow to highlight her hazel eyes.

The oven alarm rang, signaling that the apple pie she’d started as soon as she’d arrived home was done. Lillian set it on the counter, and a delicious smell drifted around the kitchen. She hurried to slip on a pair of black wedge platform sandals.

The doorbell rang at three minutes before six, attesting to Steve’s impatience to see his date and get his second dinner.

“For you,” he said, when she opened the door.

Strikingly handsome in a black, short sleeve shirt over a pair of dark jeans, he handed her a straw basket filled with a floral arrangement of yellow roses and white lilies with greenery.

“How lovely. A breath of spring.” She set it in the center of her small kitchen table. “Thank you, Steve.”

He pulled her against his solid chest, and his breath warmed her face. “I’ve missed you since last night.” He pressed his lips against her cheek and enveloped her in his arms and his musky scent.

Apparently, for him as for her, working together in the OR and the office didn’t count for togetherness. She linked her arms around his neck, reassured that last night’s kiss hadn’t been a one-time flirtation.

“I missed you, too.”

His mouth captured hers, and she sagged against him with delight, returning kiss for kiss, meeting his tongue, and allowing him to take her to heaven with his kisses.

When he freed her mouth, he trailed moist kisses along her cheek, lingering next to her ear, and gliding his lips along her throat.

“How long have you worked at my clinic?” His question, coming in a husky voice, took her by surprise.

“Huh… Oh fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years? You waited that long to reveal you could be a passionate woman?”

She chuckled. “How was I to know you would be interested in me?”