Page 9 of Sailing Away Plans

His gaze dropped to the neckline of her wrap dress, the exposed cleavage and creamy flesh more than a little appealing. He hardened, just like a young man getting aroused in a public place. Damn it. This hadn’t happened to him in ages.

Unaware of his inner and external turmoil, Lillian kept eating. “This is delicious.” She cleaned her plate and sipped the rest of her wine.

He reached for the bottle of Chardonnay and poured some more into her glass.

“Thank you.” Her charming smile rewarded him.

He filled his glass and swallowed, hoping it would clear his mind. He’d never been as confused as he was tonight and wished she would give him some idea how to act around her.

“Dessert?” He handed her the dessert menu.

“No, thank you. I’ve baked a chocolate cake. Would you mind stopping by my house for an after-dinner drink and dessert?”

“I’d love to.” Here was his lead.

He called the waiter and paid for dinner. At the door, he asked the valet for his car and drove straight to her house, eager to enjoy the second part of the evening.

The sober elegance of her living room surprised him as much as her new appearance had.

“You have a few antique pieces.”

He examined the cherry wood cocktail table, the Chinese cabinet with its jade incrustations, the Oriental rug, and the two Italian vases adorning a Victorian buffet, along with a dozen silver frames. He averted his gaze from the pictures of a happy couple.

“My mother worked in an antique shop and bought pieces she liked when they were discounted,” Lillian said, heading into the old-fashioned kitchen. She returned with a plate she set on the dining room table.

“What can I do to help?”

“There are a few bottles on that wooden cart. Choose what you like and pour the drinks.”

“Cognac, amaretto, Bailey’s Irish Cream… Good choices. What would you like?”

“A Bailey’s, please.”

He poured it for her. “I’ll have an amaretto.”

She brought dessert plates, napkins, and forks, and uncovered a scrumptious chocolate cake.

“It looks superb,” he said.

She cut a slice for him and a smaller one for herself. He clicked his glass against hers.

“Thank you for a lovely evening. I’m looking forward to dinner number two.”

“We’ll make it more casual.” She sat at the table and indicated the chair next to hers. “The Bookmark restaurant has amazing burgers, fries, and pickles.”

He nodded and settled at the table to enjoy his dessert. “Burgers it is.”

“We can dress casually.”

“Whatever you decide. Will we have dessert here again?”


Why on earth hadn’t she invited him years ago, or even weeks ago? What a waste of time.

Would she invite him to stay, as in spend the night?

“Delicious cake shared with a lovely hostess.” It was his first attempt at flirting. He caught her gaze, studying her reaction.