Page 74 of Sailing Away Plans

His fingers crawled inside her wet warmth and teased. She moaned and wriggled. His hard erection slid inside her and thrust. Together, they pumped, groaned, and screamed until they collapsed, happy and sated.

“Love you, babe.”

Later, he stroked her back. “Don’t let anyone confuse you. I don’t know about you, but I fell in love the moment you opened your door to go out with me for our first dinner.”

She kissed the corner of his mouth, without commenting.

“When did you fall in love with me?” He cradled her face, lifting it to peer into her eyes.

“You really want to know?”

“Yes. I insist.” His curious smile made her heart race.

“I fell in love with you when I stepped into your office to be interviewed for the nursing position.”

“What?” His eyebrows knitted. “When?”

“Fifteen years ago.” Her voice softened. “It was love at first-sight for me. Then I learned your wife was sick, and I felt lousy for even thinking about you that way. I tried to make it up by taking care of her and babysitting the children. I felt so guilty, I pulled my hair into a bun and made sure you would never see me as a woman, but I did my best to be helpful.” She hid her face in the crook of his neck.

“Oh my sweet Lillian.” He covered her mouth with a tender kiss that melted her heart.

“How about showing me the clinic?”

“Right away. Dress code: shorts, shirt, and sandals. And don’t forget your sunglasses.”

He forgot to mention a hat, but she’d brought one.

“I’ll use the other bathroom.”

She showered, and when she stepped out into the bedroom, she found a pink cap on the bed, the words,My Dream,decorating the front of it. A smile lingering on her lips, she put on the recommended clothes. A small purse strapped to her shoulder, she joined him on the deck to start her new life on the island.

Steve had lowered his dinghy into the water. “You look great.”

“Thanks for the cap. I love it.”

“It looks cute on you.”

He dropped his sandals into the boat and climbed down. She did the same, throwing her sandals on top of his, turning around, and climbing backwards down the ladder. He caught her hand and helped her step down to the small vessel.

“Now, let’s go visit our place of work.” He caught the oars and rowed.

She giggled. “Imagine, going to work in a rowboat.”

“Since we’re wearing sandals, we’ll row to the beach area and leave the dinghy on the sand.”

Near the shore, he stepped into the water and pulled the boat up onto the sand, well away from the Caribbean’s slight tide, locking a chain around the oars.

“Better safe than sorry.”

After slipping on their sandals, they strolled to the sidewalk and crossed the narrow street.

“I’ve called the contractor. He’ll meet us in front of the building.”

As they approached a freshly painted façade, a man came forward. “Hello, Doc. Good to see you.”

“Hi, Pete, meet my friend, Nurse Lillian Haynes. Lillian, Pete Gordon, our contractor who has done a great job.”

They shook hands with the forty something man. “We’ll start our tour with the clinic. It’s all finished, painted, and the beds and equipment have been installed.”