Page 31 of Sailing Away Plans

“Your dream is coming true. Hmm, tell me about your dream, Lillian. Maybe I can help you realize it.”

She snorted and straightened. “I’ve achieved my dream so far. Every goal I’ve ever had.”

He arched his eyebrows and blurted, “Well, I haven’t. At least not yet.” He stood. “Let’s go for a swim. I’m wearing my swim trunks.”

“I’ll go change.”

She ran upstairs to remove her dress and slip on her black one-piece swimsuit and dropped a short, black, terrycloth dress over it. Removing her sandals, she slipped on her flip-flops. A good swim would help her forget about his upcoming trip.

She found Steve on the pool terrace, stacking a few towels and two bathrobes on a chair. “I brought these in case it gets cooler later. Shall we?”

She nodded.

He dove, used a crawl stroke to swim a lap, while she slowly descended the few steps, getting used to the water, and gliding deeper. He returned to her side.

“Don’t worry. It’s heated. You won’t get cold until you get out.”

They swam side by side, expending their energy, enjoying the sunset, and the warmth of the mid-May evening. The swim soothed the distress created by the silly fortune cookie.

Darn, he wasn’t in love with her yet, but he was in need of her every minute.

Patience, girl

He was jealous of Max, when his dog licked her face and her hand. She burst out laughing as a picture of Steve licking her hand popped in her mind.

“What’s so funny?”

“Huh, ah.” She needed a quick answer, anything silly. “I imagined you running your new hotel… Huh …bringing breakfast to demanding old ladies,” she improvised, swimming over to the side and holding onto the rail.

“Not on your life.” He swam after her and caught her shoulders. “I would bringyoubreakfast in bed anytime.” He turned her to face him.

“With a cherry on top?” she joked.

“With kisses on top and everywhere.”

“Not on your life.” She laughed. “I’ll race you a lap.”

“You’re on. I’ll give you a head start.”

Knowing he would regret his generosity, she didn’t answer and dove, hitting the water with all her strength. She touched the other side, flipped over and swam back. He passed her a few feet before arriving at the edge.

Shaking the water out of his hair, he barked, “Cheater, you should have told me you’re a pro.”

Out of breath, she couldn’t stop laughing. “Was too funny… Having you give me an advantage and knowing you would have to fight to catch up to me. My father put me into competitive swimming at the age of seven. I won the local championship and came third in state, but now I’m out of shape, or I wouldn’t have let you win.”

He joined her laughing. “I guessed as much when I saw your strokes, too late. When was the last time you swam?”

“During my two-week vacation in Florida. Here, I don’t have the time.”

“You’ll love it in St. John.”

Leaning on the pool rail, she sobered and averted her eyes.

He came closer, watching her carefully.

“Why are you hesitating so much? Your son was very supportive.”

“Yes, but what will happen if things don’t work out?” If his interest in her faded? She would be alone, lonely, and depressed on a small island far away from home.