It doesn’t look like anything is bleeding, though that doesn’t mean I will punish the Torros any less for their crime of stealing what’s mine.
I move soundlessly around the building, flagging Giovanni, and making sure he knows not to go in through the back when the guys get here.
He tries to get me to stop, to wait for backup, but there is no way I’m not going in there. I feel the space between Jessica and myself, and it is too long a distance for me to endure. I am hollowed out on the inside, unable to permit us to be apart a minute longer.
She’s terrified.
I promised I would give her a better life, a safer one, free from her former husband.
I made good on that last part, but I need to make good on the rest before the sun sets on this awful day.
Giovanni glares at me when he finally emerges from the car. I can tell by the sharpness to his movements that he is angry with me for forcing him out of the car instead of waiting for backup.
If I had an option to do the smart thing, I would take it. But as it stands, I am completely irrational for Jessica, and will stop at nothing to get to her.
Giovanni jogs to my side, a gun in each hand like a true Moretti man. “You’re an idiot,” he reminds me.
I point to the west end of the building. “Nine on this side, one over there with a semi-automatic trained on Jessica.”
“I’m the better shot,” Giovanni reminds me. “I’ll take out the one. Then I’ll help you with the nine.”
I hate that he’s right. I nod once and then throw open the heavy front door, racing straight toward madness with one thought in my head: I will take Jessica home, or we will die together today at the hands of my enemies.
Ican only hear the ringing in my ears from gunfire exploding inside of what is basically a giant tin can. The warehouse is not big enough to contain my rage. Even as members of the Torros begin to drop one by one, some before their weapons are even drawn, my temper does not quell. I move forward at a steady pace as I shoot, aiming as best I can through my filter of rage. Several bullets soar through the air, some zipping perilously close to my head. But I have the upper hand of control, since they planned the abduction assuming I would never come in without a team.
Though, only four of their underlings have dropped to the floor before Domani comes barreling in on my heels. He must have paused to put on a shirt and then come rolling in shortly after we arrived.
Dom should be lying down after his episode, yet here he is, fighting for his family yet again, not even blaming me for the mess he has to help me deal with.
While Giovanni is a better shot, and Domani is known for his cruelty with torture, I am feared because I am the head of our family. When a head gets involved, they know the body count will rise, since I am more than capable of sending my men to do the dirty work while I sit at home.
But it’s Dom the Dentist that they fear most of all. Tales of his emotionless brutality have run rampant. The bags of extracted teeth from the Moretti dentist are things of legend come to life.
Though, there will be no drawn-out torture today.
Domani drops his first body, then hisses when a bullet grazes his arm.
My teeth grind as I sink a decent amount of lead into the lowlife who dared take a shot at my twin. Domani is still on his feet, so I don’t stop.
This is for my brothers, who never let me go into a battle without backup.
This is for Jessica, who signed up for hot sex, not to become a pawn in the Torros’ game designed to punish me.
Today, I will make it clear that no one will come after her again. My upper lip curls as I pump the man nearest full of lead, satisfied only when I hear the thump of his head on the concrete.
The three of us fire away until every last one of them is bleeding out on the concrete floor. They’re all underlings, but the body count is high enough to flag the attention of the head of the Torros family, letting them know they crossed a line with me, and I don’t grant pardons.
My pulse races from adrenaline even as the gunfire ceases. Part of me is afraid to turn to Jessica to see if she is still breathing.
Gio’s voice hits my ringing ears. “I’m your new brother, Giovanni. You’re Jessica?”
She whimpers, so I know I can turn to look without danger of my heart rupturing inside my chest.
“Jessica,” I breathe, running to her side as Giovanni draws a knife to cut loose her bindings. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know they would come for you today. Pussycat, please. Tell me where they hurt you.”
But the second her arms are free from the zip ties, she flings them around my neck. Her sobs break loose when my arms move around her body. My hug lifts her feet off the cold concrete.