“Only to see me?”

“Well, and to have this talk, because I really didn’t want to have it over the phone or by text. And I needed to see you, Eli. I need you.”

Eli stepped closer to Sarah, gripping her fingers and squeezing lightly. “I want a relationship with you, but I’m struggling a whole lot with the logistics of how we’re going to even attempt to make it work. You know I don’t travel.”

“I know. I know.” Sarah stepped in. “I told you, I’ll do it. I’ll find time and days off, and I’ll come out here even if it is only one or two days here and there. We have built in breaks for everyone, and I’ll come then, too. I want this to work, Eli, and I’m going to put in as much effort as I can to make that happen.”

Eli nodded in the slightest. “I know you will. I trust you will. I just worry. I worry it won’t be enough, I worry you’ll get burned out and tired, and I worry it won’t be worth it for you.”

Sarah stepped straight up to her, wrapping her arms around Eli’s shoulders and tugging her in for a hug. She dropped kisses onto Eli’s cheeks, rubbing her hands up and down her shoulders and her arms. “You are so very much worth it, don’t ever doubt that.”

Eli nodded, moving to draw Sarah deeper into the embrace and holding her arms tight around Sarah’s hips. She buried her face in Sarah’s neck, drawing in her scent, memorizing it. Slowly letting out a breath that hitched with unshed tears, Eli cupped Sarah’s cheek and brought her in for a kiss.

“So let’s figure this out,” Sarah whispered.

“Yes, but first let’s get to the house.”

“Sounds like a good idea.”

Eli took Sarah by the hand and dragged her outside. Raindrops were already falling, the wind whipping them hard against their faces. Eli dragged Sarah up the trail toward the house, the rain dumping on them when they were no more than four steps from the deck. As soon as they got under the porch, Eli shivered and Sarah wrapped her arms around her, bringing their mouths together in a long, slow kiss.

“How many hours am I down to now?” Eli whispered.


“We better make the most of them.”

“Sounds like we agree.”

When Eli pulled away, she had a wicked glint to her eye. Kissing Sarah’s cheek, she pinched her butt. “Guess that means you’re making dinner.”

Sarah rolled her eyes and tangled their fingers together. “Only if you help.”

They headed inside, Sarah and Eli cooking while the family’s daughter asked Sarah all kinds of questions about her life, some pointed and boundary pressing while others were far more benign. Eli was impressed with how Sarah deflected most of them, but when the girl asked if Eli was the one the song was written about, no one could mistake the blush in Sarah’s cheeks as she admitted yes.

Their hours dwindled fast, but Sarah and Eli made the most of them. When Eli watched the rental drive off, they had a plan in place for when Sarah would come back, how often she would visit, and how long she would stay. They were going to try, and Eli supposed it was more important that they were both willing to sacrifice to make it work.

Chapter 20

Eli pickedSarah up at the airport this time, wanting the extra three hours together they could get from the drive, but as soon as Sarah emerged from the airport, Eli knew it was going to be quiet. Months of Sarah flying back and forth at every opportunity was certainly taking its toll.

Every time Sarah had come, she’d seemed more and more exhausted, she had slept more and more, and she’d been lazier. Not that Eli minded. She rather enjoyed lying around with Sarah at every opportunity. Summer was coming to a close, and this was Eli’s easiest time except that auctions would be picking up soon, and she’d be traveling to other parts of the state to sell the cattle she had raised.

Sarah was supposed to be done with touring by that time, but they hadn’t really talked about what they’d be doing or if Sarah would be coming with her. Eli had no idea. As soon as she pulled out onto the highway, Sarah yawned.

“I slept on the plane. I swear I did.”

“Sleep on the drive. It’s fine.” Eli gave her a wan smile. Reaching over she ran her hand up and down Sarah’s arm to comfort and soothe her.

Hiding her yawn behind her hand, Sarah’s eyes watered. “No, I want to spend time with you. And sleeping time does not count as time, before you say anything.”

“I didn’t say it.” Eli’s lips tugged upward.

“You were thinking it.”

“You didn’t say I couldn’t think it.” Teasing, Eli grabbed Sarah’s hand and tugged slightly. “Sleep though. Then we can do other things later.”

“You make a good point.” Sarah yawned again. “I’m so sorry.”