Taking the bottle, Hazel said, “I could have told you that. Anyone was better than that guy.”

“I get your point, you two. Nobody liked Jason. But would you tell me if you even liked Sam?” Natalie took the bottle from Hazel and took another drink.

“We all love Mr. Sullivan.” Hazel grinned.

“Can you call him Sam?” Natalie asked.

Hazel still usually called him Mr. Sullivan, which was the only time it ever felt creepy that they were getting married. Maybe when she was Mrs. Sullivan, it would be less creepy that he was Mr. Sullivan.

“Sexy Sam?” Hazel wiggled her eyebrow. “Do you remember when we made that one up?”

Natalie shot her a look. “Do you remember who said it first? I can’t remember.”

“Really? You did. You had the hots for him from the first moment you saw him. I should have known you would snag him. Just surprised it took so long.” Hazel stepped away from the door as someone tried to open it.

The three other members of the group shoved into the little room, filling it. The three new arrivals gave Natalie hugs, and even Hazel got a few, along with compliments on her dress.

“So here we are again, Natalie’s wedding. Seems like we do this every few months,” Ruth joked as she leaned against the table near Mia, everyone loving a good wedding joke at her expense.

“I know, right. What do you think she’ll do with the next one?” Tess asked and laughed.

“Very funny,” Natalie said to them, but she was laughing as she said it. Nothing was getting her down about today. She was getting married.

“Mandy, grab the glasses.” Mia pointed at the shelf. There was already a tray of twelve shot glasses.

“Why so many, Mia? Are we getting company?” Mandy asked, pulling the tray out and handing it to her cousin.

“No, I decided that everyone should get their choice of beverage. And since I don’t know who is possibly pregnant, except Ruth, I just did one of everything for each,” Mia said about their last celebration.

Mandy laughed and questioned her cousin’s idea. “But why did you make an option for you? Do you think you’re pregnant?”

“Shut up, Mandy, I wasn’t thinking about that. Just two for all, and we are six, which equals twelve. Just to prove I am not, I will drink all the extra. No way am I pregnant.” Her anger was getting the best of her.

“Mia, settle down.” Ruth gave her friend a look of annoyance.

“Fine.” Mia pushed away from Ruth, managing to hold the tray upright, a waitress to the core. “Everyone, take the drink of your choice, or two if you want.”

Once everyone had chosen a glass, Mia put the tray back on the shelf behind her.

Natalie looked at her friends. They were there for her when she didn’t get married and were now there for when she would. No questions asked, just being there for her. “I will make the toast; it’s my wedding.” Natalie lifted her glass and watched as everyone did. “I just want to say that book club has changed my life. You guys have changed my life. You are my best friends, and I don’t want to know what life is like without you guys. To me!”

As she drank her tiny shot of whiskey, she watched her friends do the same. They all had tears in their eyes. Natalie knew that they all felt the same way. How had she even happened upon this group of women?

A knock on the door had all of them turning to look, each as guilty as the next for drinking in the church. Mandy was closest to the door and, with a shrug, opened it. After all, what could be done to them? They were all adults. Adults who probably knew better than to drink in a church.

To her surprise, Della Hart walked into the room, or squeezed into the room. It seemed everyone was aware of who she was, and they started to leave, each handing their empty glass to Mia as they walked past her. When everyone was gone, Mia set the stack on the table and silently walked out of the room.

Once it was empty, Della looked Natalie over and said, “You look gorgeous, Natalie.”

“Thank you. I feel gorgeous. Do you think Sam will like it?” Looking down at her dress, she hadn’t really thought about him liking it. She had liked it, and that was what was important.

“Sam likes you in everything.” Della smiled at her.

It was true.

“Or nothing,” Natalie said under her breath and then blushed feverishly. She had not just said that in front of her mother.

“So true.” Della just laughed. “Those were your friends?”