His concerned eyes locked with hers. “Are you sure?”

Running her hands down his chest and grabbing his hips, she grinned. “Fuck me, Sam. Hard.”

That was all he needed as the dam broke, and he picked up speed. His cock slammed into her, making her toes curl until she was screaming his name, telling him to never stop. Her orgasm came quickly, and he still pumped in and out of her in hard, easy strokes.

Then he shifted, and she was coming again, but this time he was coming with her. His groans melted with hers as her body spasmed around him. Sam rolled off her and lay beside her, but he grabbed her hand and pulled it to his mouth and kissed her fingers. “Anything hurt?” he asked when he could breathe again, his worry always there.

“I don’t know. Pain is not a feeling I have at this moment.” Grinning, she brushed a lock of hair off his damp forehead.

“Me either.”

Silently, they both lay looking at the ceiling, hands linked and still breathing heavily. Rolling onto his side toward her, he waited for her to do the same. Once she did, he touched her cheek with his thumb. “What are you thinking?”

Biting her lip, she said, “You first.”

“I’ve wanted you for days. I wanted to wait until we got back home, so I could ask you on a date, then I was going to get you in bed. But I’m happy my plan didn’t work.” He smiled.

“Me too. It’s only been five days, but I’ve been with you every moment of those days.” She held up a hand with all fingers spread out. He slid his fingers between them to hold her hand.

“Would you go out with me when we get back to Landstad? To a movie and eat something?” he asked.

She smiled at him. “Only if you’ll take me home afterward.”

“I don’t want to assume.” He pulled their joined hands and kissed hers.

“Assume, Mr. Sullivan.” She laughed.

“Beckett.” He chuckled, rolling her onto her back with him laying on top of her.

Laughing as he kissed her neck, she pushed at him. “I have to take a shower.”

“Do you want to go first?” He kissed her shoulder blade. “Do you want to go second?” He kissed the pulse in her neck. “Or do you want to go together?” He kissed her cheek.

“My answer is C, Mr. Sullivan. Always C.” And she kissed his mouth.


Sam pulledNatalie into his arms and nuzzled her neck until she giggled. He had found out she was ticklish by accident early in the day, and he loved to hear her giggle when he touched her neck. It had taken no time to get used to touching her.

“Sam, quit distracting Beckett. It’s her turn!” Max yelled from across the yard. Looking up, he saw that all were looking at him and Natalie. Letting her go, he went back to his position as catcher. They were playing kickball, or some form of kickball.

Watching Natalie’s butt as she got ready to kick the ball that Max was rolling her way, he remembered that butt in the shower this morning. If she had any regrets about starting a relationship with him, he had yet to see any signs of it. She was as enthusiastic about being together as he was.

Once they made it out of the shower, Della had been making breakfast for them. Sheepishly they had come down the stairs as she was just finishing making French toast. Della had stayed and chatted with them as they ate and invited them over for a birthday get-together in the afternoon at the mansion across the road. Della told them it was just going to be her family coming.

That left just enough time for him and Natalie to go for a long walk after breakfast and tour the town hand in hand. It was Wednesday morning in July, so the town was busy with everyday business, and it reminded him a little of Landstad. Half of him wanted to stay there forever with her and not let the real world into their lives, and half of him wanted to take her back and announce she was his to their town. He really didn’t think anyone would care that she had been his student or even that she had almost gotten married last week. They would talk about it for a few days, then it would be replaced by the next big thing.

Late in the morning, during their walk, she got a phone call from her dad. Stopping outside an accounting firm, she leaned against the brick wall and chatted with the man. As she talked, she had left her hand bunching his shirt, pulling him closer to her.

With his hands against the cool brick, he listened to his friend on the phone. After all, if she hadn’t wanted him listening, she wouldn’t have pulled him close.

“Nobody’s really saying anything anymore, at least not to me. But maybe they’re just waiting for you to come home,” Patrick was saying.

“I expect people will start talking when I get back. Hopefully it’ll be behind my back, so I don’t have to listen to it.” She slid her hand under his shirt and rested it on his chest.

“Mia said that the talk has really died down there. Greg Miller called and asked if you wanted to stay at the library.” Greg Miller was her boss and the person she needed to talk to in order to get her job back.

“What did you say?” Her hand stopped moving.