She had actually forgotten why she was there, playing with the two children, when Molly let out a scream and ran toward where her dad stood. Turning, Natalie got weak in the knees at the woman Molly threw herself at. The short redhead had to be Della Hart. She actually looked just like her picture on the internet, minus the black robe. Red curly hair in a style that looked haphazard but wasn’t at all. She was wearing a straight skirt and a green blouse, and the heels she wore made her head come up to her husband’s chin. Without them, she would be close to five feet tall.

Feeling Sam wrap his arms around her from behind, she leaned into him. Staring at the woman who was supposed to have given her life, she wondered how it would be possible. The redhead was her complete opposite. Della’s red hair shone in the sun, so different from Natalie’s black tresses. Add in the height discrepancy since Natalie was closer to Della’s husband as far as the color of their skin. Natalie looked down at her olive arm, then glanced at the pale redhead. There was no way this was her mother.

She felt Sam pushing her from behind toward the little family greeting each other after a day apart. Hugs and kisses for all, chatter about what happened. A smiling Della Hart looked up at the couple as they came close enough. Natalie almost stopped breathing as she saw her own green eyes looking at her. Sam was holding her tight, so she wouldn’t fall down.

Could they tell?

“You guys must be Sam and Beckett. Thank you for playing with the girls,” Della stated with a wide smile, her eyes looking right at Natalie as she spoke. Could she tell who she was? Did she want her to be there if she did?

“Hello, Judge Valentine,” Sam said.

It was a good thing he could talk.

Natalie watched the woman laugh. “Judge Connor Hart and Mrs. Max Valentine, but you can call me Della.”

“Della, then. It was fun teaching the kids. But it was mostly Beckett. She was a pitcher in high school. I figured if anyone could teach Lilly, it was her.” Sam pulled back from Natalie to make her stand on her own.

“What do you two do?” Della asked.

“I’m a teacher, and she’s a librarian,” Sam supplied.

Natalie knew she could have answered that one. Why couldn’t he leave her the easy ones?

“How are you liking the B&B?” Della looked at Natalie again.

“We are,” Sam answered again.

“Aunt Mae used to live there, but she’s in heaven with my mommy,” Molly said from beside her mom. Natalie watched Lilly poke her with an elbow.

Squatting down to her level, Natalie said, “My mom’s in heaven too.”

Molly stepped closer to her. “My mommy died when I was three.”

“My mom died when I was six,” Natalie admitted.

“Do you have a new mommy? I do.” The girl looked up at Della, who rested a hand on her small shoulder.

“No, but I think maybe soon I might get one. I just have my dad, but he was pretty nice to me. Do you like your new mommy?” Natalie confided in the little girl.

“Yes. Daddy too. He lets me sleep with them sometimes.” She giggled, making the adults smile.

“That’s pretty nice of him.”

The girl nodded and just looked at Natalie. Natalie analyzed the little girl, realizing she was as adopted as Natalie herself was. She and her new sister had a lot in common.

“What is that?” The little girl pointed at Natalie.

Looking down, she realized her shorts had ridden up, and one of her scars was showing. A bad one. “That is a scar, Molly. Do you have any scars?” She pulled her shorts down her leg cover it back up.

“Yes, I fell off my bike and got a good one on my knee.” She pointed it out on her little leg.

“I was in a car accident. I got some good ones too,” Natalie said, feeling Sam touch her shoulder in comfort. They had agreed not to talk about the accident, but here it was. Always present.

“Can I see?” Molly asked eagerly.

“No, they’re not as nice-looking as yours.” Natalie touched the knee with the faint scar.

“Please.” Blue eyes pressed her.