“Bad breakup? One-night stand?”

“Can’t two people have a past together, and it not be about sex?” Watching his eyes as she said the last word, she bit her lip when they dilated a little bit.

“It’s usually about sex.” One eyebrow went up.

“Not this time, Anderson. Please, can we just not talk about it?” she pleaded, wanting this conversation to stop.

“Okay, one day, I will get what he did out of you. Mark my words.” He pushed away from the wall and went back to his office, finally breaking eye contact with her, but she was sure that neither of them had won.

Watching him go, she knew he was not going to let it go until she finally told him, but she had never told anyone their secret, and Anderson was not going to be the first one. No matter how good he was at getting secrets from her, there were some she didn’t want anyone to know.

Opening her latest book on her computer, she decided to get lost in the story she was editing. Anything to get her mind off of Rafferty. And Anderson, for that matter.