She gasped. “I-I don’t remember it.” She looked so upset.

He placed his hand on hers feeling a moment of guilt at leading her astray. He suddenly recognized it as cruel. In his work, he’d often been just that…cruel. Whatever it took to get the prize. End the mission—win at all costs.

She looked angry now.

He removed his comforting hand as he waited for her to accuse him of all kinds of things. He’d gotten her drunk, took advantage and—

“Dammit, it!” Her sweet face took on a disgusted expression. “Something like that with someone that looks like you do and I don’t get to remember it?”

Noah now felt surprised as he stared at her, then again, he laughed. That was SO not what he’d expected. No one ever surprised him, not in a very long time, and this was a sobering realization. “So what do you remember?” he asked in a serious tone.

Opening her mouth to reply, she then looked stricken and closed her mouth.

Noah studied her. Either she didn’t want him to know the truth or—

She hopped up off the couch looking truly panicked as she gazed all around.

“Whoa now.” He stood up to face her as he placed his hands out to show her he didn’t mean her any harm.

“I don’t remember anything,” she whispered as her gaze finally rose to his. Her body swayed a little.

He lowered his hands. Gazing into her eyes, he studied her. She didn’t. He knew when someone was lying. She truly didn’t. “Do you know your name?”

She seemed to sway on her feet now. “M-my name…” Her eyes rolled up in her head as she fell forward.

He leapt and caught her before she could face plant. Hefting her up, her head rolled back. He checked for her pulse at her jugular. It was beating fiercely. Pausing, he stared at her soft, creamy neck. He steadied himself and lowered her to the couch again.

She had entirely passed out. Completely gone. In a dead faint. One minute she was lively and flirtatious then the next? He let out a breath and gathered the blankets over her. Maybe she would wake up and feel… he paused. Maybe she would remember? He worried about that lump. He felt around through her silky hair at the back of her head. It was still pretty huge.

The fainting bothered him. He sighed. Concussions. Now, he had a real problem on his hands. If she were cognizant and aware with her memory intact, he could have gotten to the truth. He had his ways. But this…

She stirred a bit.

Gazing down at her, he waited.

Those baby blues popped open again. She stared at him for a long moment. Then raised her hand to his face, rubbing his jawline.

Noah remained still, though he wanted to grab her up and kiss the hell out of her. He shook himself. Dumb move. Dumb. Kissing her when she could have been tracking him to kill him for…

A tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. “Do I know you?”

He let out a disgusted sigh. They had just come a full, complete circle. “Why do you keep asking that?”

“Because you look familiar, but…not?”

Noah tamped down his frustration. This whole thing might be harder and take longer than he’d previously thought. “Why don’t I feed you some soup and then after you rest, we can discuss…things.”

She blinked her eyes as she swiped the tear away. “Why do you seem so…”

He waited. So…? So what?

Then she nodded. “I am hungry.”

At least she was following current questions now. He chuckled as he stood up. “Ok, I will be back in a few minutes. What kind of soup do you like?”

Her gaze took its time traveling from his calves, up to his waist then from there to his wide chest, her eyes stopping at his face. Those blue orbs were wide again. “Wow, you are so tall.”

He fought the smile tugging at his lips. “Yes, been that way for a while. So what kind of soup?”

Her eyes remained on his face. “Soup?”

Noah knew he needed to be gentle for once. Not lose his focus or let frustration lead his actions. Careful. After all, she couldn’t help the state she was in. So he spoke slowly as if she were a small child, “What… kind of soup… do you like?”

She worried her lip with her teeth as she concentrated.

He decided to help her a little. “I have tomato, chicken noodle, chicken rice, navy bean, potato, cream of—”

Her eyes grew big again. “Do you own a restaurant or do you just collect a variety of soups for kicks?”

He stared at her. Then again, he chuckled. She said the damndest things, taking him off guard. He wasn’t at all used to this. “I store and collect a lot of things up here. I have to.”