He had about ten minutes to get her, maybe less. He tossed his rifle onto the bench on his porch and grabbed his board. If he could find her at all. He knew he should just let it be, but something in her face from even that far caught him. Something familiar.

Noah raced down the trek and then slid his snowboard out from his back sling. Smiling, he nodded as he put on his eye shields. He’d learned it just for the fun and thrill of it. Now his little board would make this trek take half the time.

He launched himself over the snow. Not hard packed yet, but it would have to do. Zig zagging with the cold wind hitting his cheeks, he shot fast down the mountain and then slowed as the terrain looked like the spot where she’d been.

He would be fucking lucky if he found her. In all this white, it may be…

His gaze stopped on a flash of color. He slipped his board off and slung it back over his shoulder. The snow was now building fast and soon, he knew there would be no sight in front of him at all, if he didn’t find this dumb bitch right away…he never would and he would have trouble getting back home too.

Dammit, why didn’t he just stay out of it?

~* * * *~

She’d been out for 24 hours. The lump on the back of her head looked pretty bad. Noah had done everything he could to revive her. Her skin still looked pale, so he checked her eyes and they were a bit dilated. He let out a sigh. He may have saved her for nothing. Concussions could be tricky and people died from them every day.

Even if he wanted to get down off this dammed mountain to take her to a hospital, the blizzard had prevented any ideas of that.

He was pacing now in front of the fireplace, as he didn’t know what else to do for her. He’d had plenty of training to be a mid-skilled medic, but it hadn’t helped in this situation. He’d worked to get the lump to reduce with cold cloths and that was pretty much all he could do.

She at least hadn’t gotten frostbite, as luckily, she had been dressed for the weather.

His pacing stopped as he remembered removing all those layers from her and getting her under the blankets with him. He warmed her the old fashioned way. With her unconscious, it hadn’t been the fun one would think it to be. He’d felt all those curves and all that satiny skin. In other times, he would have been in heaven. But this? He’d been too focused on saving her life. Still, he’d caught himself a couple times that night as his cock had gotten hard.

He couldn’t’ help it. It was natural after all. Then he felt sickened, as he’d gotten the hots for an unconscious woman.

He’d had plenty of women in his life. They would literally throw themselves into his path to get his attention. At six foot 3 and broad shouldered with a body he’d trained into steel and brick, he attracted all kinds of females. One of his buddies used to tease him, saying all he had to do was curl his finger and they would drop to their knees to eagerly blow him.

He would laugh at this. Yet, it was mostly true.

Yes, he’d been up here for three months alone, but he’d gone longer on his military tours without a piece of ass. So, his reaction to her nude body while she wasn’t even aware or awake, stunned him.

He’d always been careful of whom he dated or rather who he fucked. He didn’t date, not in his line of work. He would be suddenly sent to unknown parts of the world, not to return for long lengths of time.

Besides, his tastes in the sexual part of it ran a bit to the edgy and rough side anyway and a female almost had to pass a quiz he’d come up with to qualify for sex with him. Oh, no they weren’t aware of it as being a test, as during the date, he would pursue the questions. Yeah, it sounded egotistical of him. Yet, it really wasn’t. Why should either of them waste their time, if they didn’t fit in a sexual way?

Some women would catch on and would flat out lie to him to pass that damn test. They figured he wasn’t serious maybe? He could always tell though, as there was a look a woman would get in their eyes at some of the questions. It told him the truth of her sexual likes and dislikes.

Noah could read anyone and everyone. This had been one of the skills he’d learned even after the SEAL training. Among other skills, he’d rather not recall.